A hello from out of Spain Salou

Hello folks,

Here a hello since i was checking my mail and my hyves (a profile site just like msnspace).
There for i was thinking about leaving a post here.

Its damn hot here in Salou its like 36/37 degrees but with a nice wind so need to wax myself in with good sunbrand oli and get some brown collor:D!

How is the weather in your countries and stuff and are you guys still going away or going to stay and play et 4 life!

My last few minuts are leaving me on this pc and i´m not going to throw money in it again. going for breakfast;) and then heading off to the beach and the keyboard of spain is fucked up:P

greece > spain in terms of vacation
ye was windy yesterday
No rain for 1 month here :s
no sunny for 1 month here :x
LOL it started rain now :DDDD
hah :D nice!! actually i can see THE SUN in here :o
yeah bash us while your on vacation :(
héhé have a nice time!
weather is quite good here in germany today, havent been out yet, though.
Day without rain in a faking England is a miracle ...
fucking gay weather in the netherlands
its getting hot in here...

ow its already damn hot :(
it;s mm about 20 degrees here, a little bit wind.
its quite nice here :O)
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