warning level stuff
14 Jul 2008, 16:23
so lets say you got over 20 and it doesnt show any buddies/profile stuff anymore, and you want to get under the 20? or back to 0.. the only way i can think of is to let yourself get banned use a proxy till you are unbanned and its phixed again!
i dont see this system work and i dont understand why its implanted ah well admins > users!
and for the whinelliers i did not post this because i am "afraid" to get this, it is just sad to see crossfire becoming some nazi-site
i dont see this system work and i dont understand why its implanted ah well admins > users!
and for the whinelliers i did not post this because i am "afraid" to get this, it is just sad to see crossfire becoming some nazi-site
I don't see the pointless in that.
But alas, thats how I predict it. There's only one way to find out wether it will be that way.
people who have already reached some points will increase the flame and rulebreaking to get a ban and finally set it to 0 again
Points / Warnings = Days
It's hopefully a way of controlling the petty stuff.
They are more able to feel the effects of their actions by disabling certain functions at certain point rates and thus, choose to keep by the rules or not.
all against loekino wnb world!!!
I'll be a swizz guy, in about 2 weeks aswell =/
We are moving to Switzerland for ever :<
I've got a lot of relatives in Switzerland.
My parents used to live there 22 years ago.
They moved to Germany and they want to go back again.
Where are u from ?
Are u talking as cool as everyone in Swiz ?
Ey des wor churenfein, churengeil or stuff like that ? :P
'Des wor en churenfeine Frau' oda sowas ^^
'Des wor en churenfeine Frau'
"wor" doesnt exist in swissgerman, because it is a past tense, which doesn't exist.
en = ein
ä = eine
Des != swissgerman!!!!
Das = swissgerman
fein = fein (dein Satz macht keinen Sinn)
"Huren" is pronounced "huärä" and means something similar to "sau..., extrem..., verdammt... (...geil, ...dumm, ...)"
Ey dasch ja huerefein/geil gsi
Imperfekt = doesn't exist in swiss german
des = austria language
dasch = das isch = das ist
gsi = gewesen
I'm at my relatives like 2 times in a month and get a lot of visitations by relatives but they are always talking standard German.
have fun learning it!
excuse me?!
Guy A does this, doesn't get banned. Guy B does samething and gets banned.
And Second what you are saying is bullshit. If you get banned you see who banned you and why. And if my memory serves me well, just recently fusen added the length of your ban on screen as well.
The reason was "don't make chains", you admins should then gather around and decide whether you ban everyone who makes them, or no one.
That is exactly what we don't want. People making multiple accounts. You simply want a place where you can do whatever the fuck you want and say whatever the fuck you want. That place is simply not crossire, so if you want one, go set up your own website and make your own set of rules. The only reason you'll get a "disabled account" is when you behave like a tard.
How is that not more lenient?
Overdrive ;D
How hard is it?
Think I was trying to sleep?
And i wasn't saying that _I_ hate him, only stating the fact that many people does!
I see it only as a better way than before, if you're stupid enough to get the warnings, live with it
I was stopped by armed police in Africa and they busted me driving without licence, but I drove away from there with no consequences at all. No bribes, nothing. Just skillz :D
EDIT: You're disturbingly slow@replying!