warning level stuff

so lets say you got over 20 and it doesnt show any buddies/profile stuff anymore, and you want to get under the 20? or back to 0.. the only way i can think of is to let yourself get banned use a proxy till you are unbanned and its phixed again!

i dont see this system work and i dont understand why its implanted ah well admins > users!

and for the whinelliers i did not post this because i am "afraid" to get this, it is just sad to see crossfire becoming some nazi-site
omg wb Loekino <3
fusen is a cheater ban him
loekino must die :(
i don't get your point
sol also insults me in pm's..if id do that, i wouldnt be here anymore:(
Screenshots is what we want!
follow the fuckin rules
What is a proxy till ?
well..don't get any warnings ?
Quotethe only way i can think of is to let yourself get banned use a proxy till you are unbanned and its phixed again!

Ive pissed of people for years but no warning :O)
fusen said after a certain amount of time the warning level will decrease.
how to get warnings ? =)
#ban.crossfire for racism<3
rules are for breaking
Fusen already said it at some topic, the warning level can decrease over time.
what kind of rules
my comment :( kk I stop :))
i care about now playing journals tbh
so apply for being administrator again<3
I think thats what they want to achieve. Life by the rules, nothing happens. Break them, you get points, stuff gets disabled and in order to enable them you would have to behave for a while.
I don't see the pointless in that.
Your warning level will drop over time.
Can you warn Tosspot? :D:D
hmm my brain cant read all of this :(
cmon more than 25% of the active community wears your flag..there cant be that many haters..just ask one of the nais admins to make a poll about you being admin and the community decides..
I hate disliked people
just steal laptops again @ LAN and make yourself admin , np4loekino :D
They cant ban straight away now, only give warnings, so I would guess that there would be less unfair bans, since you need to break several rules now and then you get banned. In between those rule breakings you can then see for yourself what your actions do and decide to at correctly.
But alas, thats how I predict it. There's only one way to find out wether it will be that way.
Actually banning is limited to admins / gods, while only moderators can't use the ban function, which means seeing moderators now got access to the warning system they have gotten more power.
I don't know what speed it drops at. I asked Fusen but he's away. Pretty sure it's a fixed rate and not dependant on what you got warned for.
I think it's a better system than just arbitrarily banning people. This way a large proportion of the admins have to agree that the person is a peon, over an extended period of time. Collecting all 100 points will be difficult though, I think they've hidden the majority of them in hentai's ethnicity.
One person already did it :P
heijachi or something
As long as people keep to the rules there shouldn't be a problem, simple as.
That is really sad one can't see buddies :[
thats a point
people who have already reached some points will increase the flame and rulebreaking to get a ban and finally set it to 0 again
You've to remember the amount of warnings defines the ban length. So if you've got 20 points, want rid so do something extreme - your ban length will be longer.

Points / Warnings = Days
Isnt it the lesser warnings you got before your banned the longer the ban? That would be logical because less warnings but still a ban also indicates that that 1 warning was already for something major.
Aye - lesser warnings = longer length.

It's hopefully a way of controlling the petty stuff.
I find it a good idea tbh. This way you give the people themselves more influence on wether they are gonna get banned or not.
They are more able to feel the effects of their actions by disabling certain functions at certain point rates and thus, choose to keep by the rules or not.
nice one nazi side!!!
all against loekino wnb world!!!
omG a swizz girl :oo
I'll be a swizz guy, in about 2 weeks aswell =/
We are moving to Switzerland for ever :<
where will u live?
near Aarau/Olten
hehe nice :) 30min to zuerich with the train
Where are you from?
straf will be banned:p
your account will be fucked up (no buddylist, no achievements, no textbox, no recent visitors,...)
oh noez :(
Germany, BW at the Bodensee.

I've got a lot of relatives in Switzerland.
My parents used to live there 22 years ago.
They moved to Germany and they want to go back again.

Where are u from ?
Poznan, Poland
And where are u living in Switzerland atm ?
Poznan, at the very north-eastern end of switzerland
lie, we both live in Zurich.
Are u talking as cool as everyone in Swiz ?
Ey des wor churenfein, churengeil or stuff like that ? :P
I don't know what you just wrote there, but I speak swissgerman :p
The guys I know are living in Baden and they are always connecting everything with 'huren' (spoken: churen =P).
'Des wor en churenfeine Frau' oda sowas ^^
Don't mix it with the austrian language, this fucks it up :(
'Des wor en churenfeine Frau'

"wor" doesnt exist in swissgerman, because it is a past tense, which doesn't exist.
en = ein
ä = eine
Des != swissgerman!!!!
Das = swissgerman
fein = fein (dein Satz macht keinen Sinn)
"Huren" is pronounced "huärä" and means something similar to "sau..., extrem..., verdammt... (...geil, ...dumm, ...)"
QuoteEy des wor churenfein, churengeil

Ey dasch ja huerefein/geil gsi

Imperfekt = doesn't exist in swiss german
des = austria language
dasch = das isch = das ist
gsi = gewesen
Jaa right. That 'gsi' thing :D I still remember.
I'm at my relatives like 2 times in a month and get a lot of visitations by relatives but they are always talking standard German.
hehe :D

have fun learning it!
hack the page, dl all the stuff you need and make an own xfire;>
Quoteit is just sad to see crossfire becoming some nazi-site

excuse me?!
It's already nazi-site, admins that issue bans don't even dare to write their name to the ban messages. Also, the lack of sticking to the rules isn't known here.

Guy A does this, doesn't get banned. Guy B does samething and gets banned.
First of all I suggest you stop using the term nazi-site. That's basically calling the admins on here Nazi's.

And Second what you are saying is bullshit. If you get banned you see who banned you and why. And if my memory serves me well, just recently fusen added the length of your ban on screen as well.
First time I used it, and when I got banned there was nothing to indicate who banned me. Only for 2 days, but still.

The reason was "don't make chains", you admins should then gather around and decide whether you ban everyone who makes them, or no one.
I've never banned someone for making a chain. It probably also depends on where you did it. Most likely not in the journals section.
But that's because guy B is an idiot and guy A isn't
For doing the exact same thing? Your logic is something else :D
Quoteand having a disabled account is not what i am waiting for and allot of others also -> making new accounts to get this away -> banned for using fake accounts loel

That is exactly what we don't want. People making multiple accounts. You simply want a place where you can do whatever the fuck you want and say whatever the fuck you want. That place is simply not crossire, so if you want one, go set up your own website and make your own set of rules. The only reason you'll get a "disabled account" is when you behave like a tard.
The only reason it's getting worse is cuz of spammy little kids like you. I don't think you will find many game-related community sites where you can pull of as much shit as on CF and get away with it so you shouldn't feel so hard-done about it. Besides, this warning system is a lot more lenient to the users than how we previously applied the rules.
Previously, depending on the mod you could get a 1 day ban for breaking the language rule - now you've to amass 20 language warnings.

How is that not more lenient?
It rather seems like you get 20 points for one language violation
Do you think there should not be something as banned users?
Can warning level somehow be decreased?
explain why you think the system will not work.
so we agree that bans should be given for certain situations. Then how do you think this system makes it worse? Before if you broke the language rules you'd get a 1day ban. If you did it before you'll get a 2day ban etc. Now you just get some warning points. So how does this make it worse? This way a user has to break the rules a couple times before he/she gets actually banned.
That be me testing :) gone
tnx for all the attention in my inbox :P
Is this fragmovie "Nostalgia" a ET or RTCW Movie ?
RTCW movie, a really old one with crappy quality :P
If you get to 20, it means you had to have done something pretty wrong. If you behave again then the warning-level will decrease over time and thus your profile will return in a normal state again as well. Making a 2nd account will simply get that account de-activated and will result in more warning points on your original account.

How hard is it?
Only people like you - happy without.
Who said the points will decrease after the ban?
Dude... you can still post even without your profile. What's the fuzz? This isn't hi5.
what do you mean.
Like anyone cares about the profiles on a gaming community :).
Bring down the IQ =[
ooh, i still remember when we found u from the airport :O
I was in a daze, still wrecked :k

Think I was trying to sleep?
this is internet \o/
I don't hate you <3
BTW don't you think 75% of the community hates sol as well? He's still admin!
i dont hate you neither
Watch out, there is one dirty trick which only few people know! >> respect the rules.
I have never been banned or even recieved any remark from any admin..
And i wasn't saying that _I_ hate him, only stating the fact that many people does!
what is everyone whining about this
I see it only as a better way than before, if you're stupid enough to get the warnings, live with it
visa versa? q.e.d.?!
I have sk1llz @ getting out of trouble.
I was stopped by armed police in Africa and they busted me driving without licence, but I drove away from there with no consequences at all. No bribes, nothing. Just skillz :D
Hm.. Might be because i had a very nice blonde girl in the car
the armed guys ended the fun, cause they said she had to drive and not me :(
hmm maybe, but we were entering town pretty soon after that anyways and we were going to the missionary station so it would have been kinda inappropriate
image: div+13

EDIT: You're disturbingly slow@replying!
i don't have naked pics of her. i'll ask her if its ok next time i meet her
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