Graka problems :(

Hello cF,

I bought a new Geforce 9600 GT today.
After installing drivers everything worked fine and i was very happy.

But there is one Problem with ET
when I Connect to a server it looks like this:

image: grakaerror1cp3

Same is when I'm in the Limbo-menu or zooming when I am sniping

Anybody had this problem before?
Anybody have a solution for this?

Thanks for answers
buy a better graphic card :(
9600 GT is a very new Card :(
we can see it by your picture :'(
stop spaming please if you cannot help! Thanks
im sry
i rly hope i could help !
I think u updated the wrong drivers, had something like that before also. just use the standard ones on the disk, would run fine then
try older drivers, sometimes it works.
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