What's Up Crossfire?

How are you doing girls? It's late night in Finland but I'm still up. My brother and my friend came by to drink couple of beers and to talk some shit. Now they left and I'm left with a question.

So here's the problem, there's one girl in city 60km away from me and she likes me. We've met 3 times now, the last time I really can't remember, was really drunk but I do remember licking her like crazy. She's beautiful and funny as well, possible girlfriend-candidate?

Then there's this other girl which I've known for years now, she's most likely coming over tomorrow for a shag. Actually we're going to do some fishing together but it's clear where it'll all lead to eh ? But her being my girlfriend - propably not. Should I go for a shag or not?

On the sidenote, I'm still on holiday for a week. Still haven't located my camera so there are no pictures of my apartment yet. And I still surf with sucky mobile broadband...

Good night and good morning!
we re discussing in #crossfire with meez about enemy territory

and what we can change.

My point of view is that you are all trying to change the game too much. It's good as it is now, why change something that's already perfect. Just new maps and voilá.
agree - we just need more active players who are able to organize cups etc.
and new anticheat
More people putting effort in Cups and maps.

And no penisses
The 1st girl looks more interesting! The licking part
Well, go with the one and have the other as a fuck-buddy.
either that or 3some :)
Surely you meant liking rather than licking. If not...where?!?! :P

Go for the first, you silly boot.
Yeah, like a big shoe.
No I meant licking and I mean everywhere but mostly her neck :D Then she started to bomb me with sms-messages and finally managed to infiltrate my msn.
Very regrettable.

Go for chick #1. Don't go for a shag with chick #2 but if she instigates, you might as well.
I would probably get slapped if i started licking a girl all over! its like animal sex!
yea cause ur tongue is like...fucking huge - ud suffocate whoever u would lick :D
get both
sky rofl...
less girls, more new comics
Some retards joined our channel, Finns or something like that, because they're saying 'vittu perkele' all the time, freakin' morons.
pics or nothing will happen.
Rather not, you'd just wank your displays white.
so basically, they are fat
pictures before choosing
Do what you wonna do!
If you know what happened on the picture, (the real information) you wouldn't laugh :(
This kid isn't an emo, and neither am I, so please, stfu.
and you know the ''real information''?
I think that's in hiroshima, isn't it?
i dno :P i aint no bloody genius, am i?
I'm no genious either, but I am quite sure we have been shown those pics in school when we talked about hiroshima.
:O you sir, are my hero. be there tonight as early as possible!!!!!
Sir, yes sir.
No Sir, Fuck you Sir!
ah could be true
You mean during the World War II ?
yea I thought it was something like that. But I guess now that evan was right: It's a picture taken in vietnam after a napalm attack. I think on the right in the original pic there is a girl with 90% of the skin burnt or something like that.
True, and that girl (don't know her name anymore) was interviewed once, which I saw during school lessons. It was really, brrr :S
Girls are not ice creams, you should not lick them. Especially not while acting like you're crazy.
Apparently she loved it, so hopefully this doesn't mean she likes crazy people. I'm perfectly normal when I'm not very very drunk.
And when I'm very very drunk I think I'm perfectly normal.
What about a girl coated in delicious ice cream?
What if she turns out to be black?
Depends what flavour the ice cream is I guess - then you'll know if it was worth it.
If it was strawberry flavoured ice cream, would you risk it?
Strawberry is decent, wouldn't be my favourite though. I'd probably give it a go if it was raspberry.

What brand are we talking here? One of those tesco-value frozen bricks or one of the more upmarket creamy varieties?
Thinking about it, a mix of chocolate and strawberries isn't really a taste I'd go for. I'm not a big fan of chocolate, unless it's white chocolate.
What about yellow chocolate? eg. fudge
Yellow chocolate is nice, especially if said yellow chocolate got nuked by America.
A girl who likes Fishing? Sounds dull... Go for the licking girl, but maybe she likes to be licked because she doesnt wash very often...

A tough dilema.
What, like a very lazy cat?
if she has a hairy tongue that really could be a sign that shes just a mutated finnish cat
And the other one likes fish ...
Finland girls, RAAAAAWR!!
hmm just pick both , after u can stay with the one it fits more with you :)
dear god i actually read fisting in stead of fishing.
if it wasn't for tosspot i would still think you are a weird person :p
Ok, now I'm sure you're gay.
damn previous comment deleted.
there are so many good sites with fistingmovies :D eg tube8.com

And I'm off, got 2 get up early tomorrow for my ultraleet holiday. bbuyz
"Actually we're going to do some fishing together but it's clear where it'll all lead to eh ?"

Yeah, who isn't familiar with fishing leading to sex!
Only works if she takes the bait....

...I'm so ashamed of myself now!
Oh god you should be. Eventhough I must admit that it put a smile upon my face how pathetic that was!

How's your movie project going btw :Þ?
It doesn't exist...
Talking about your real life movie project !
That was due in for the end of the academic year. The way I intended on making it, was not the way the group decided, however.

A lot less work I had to do I guess.
I'd suggest you to give yet another reason for women to turn into lesbians: Start "serious" affair with the 60km girl, and from time to time go shag the other one. I know you want to do it.
shag the 2nd girl if u want to and see how things go with the first one, if she really is gf material, then just find a way to tell the shagbuddy, or dont tell at all, depends how often you meet.
Invite them both at a time and see how far you can go!
dirty mind! :D
I'm very very curious how fishing naturally develops into sex lol.
someone take a screen shot of this journal, FAST :D
Quote by So here's the problem, there's one girl in city 60km away from me and she likes me.

I have that same problem, except the girl is 800km away D:
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