Idea ~ search recruitment

Dear Crossfire members,

Due to the many ET-players who are clanless, and squads who are searching for new members, I came on an idea.

When I see a post on the forum, (~Recruitment) I have to heave a sigh, again and again. There are sometimes also very nice posts in which the player or clan gives a detailed briefing about what they're looking for.

So, I came on the idea to make one post, split up in two parts:
» ET-player
» ET-clan

The player and/or clan has only copy and fill in a text with the needed information, like age, skill, class, etc.

I think it's handy for the players and clans, who aren't interested to make a nice and detailed post on crossfire.

What do you think about this idea?

Kind regards, Sam.

Sorry, no random pic, song, movie, or whatever (:
PS. Sorry, for my bad english (:
There has been plenty of et-clanless channels on irc that have worked.
thats similar to the german et-scene website - a good idear generally
No need to imo, looks kinda lazy in some way to copy + past isnt it?
Its not that much work anyway
If you want to make a good looking post, I think it will take some time (:
exactly - if you wanna stand out from the rest you gotta try harder, rather than ticking some boxes somewhere on a question if you're low/med or high. Hope you understand what i mean
True, maybe that's right. The post gives a lot of information from the player/clan theirself. I haven't thought (past of to think?) about that!
Good idea :-)
don't like it, individuality is needed imo.
Fusen, programme a form for these recruiting nups. Everyone of them has to put in some data. If not, it will be rejected. If they contributed bullshit, they'll get +50 to their bancounter. Rawr, I'm so mean.
give em +300 imo
Not too necessary imo. I would like to see recruitment forum split in "players" and "clans" recruiting sections differently, and in each section both clan and players would just use their name and skill in the topic's name. Would be lot more faster & easier to scroll the possible recruits at forum.
just add med+ as default-skill :p
Very good idea!
Going to bed now (;
It's good how it is now. The post always tells something about the poster's person :P
Bad idea. The post will already tell something about the player or the clan if they have to think about something by themselfes :P
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