damnnn :(

my head hurts and i cant sleep?

what to do?
make a journal on cf , woehoe
light 1.

edit: dude u have made a total of 13 pages of journals... thats sick dude.
it's 6:30 here :<
good night crossfire
image: oZbx0jcSW3
admins add points for random pics, but this is not a random pic!!!11 I have a serious question: Who is that pot (the one that black-skinned man wears) manufacturer? Tefal? Berghoff? it has a really nice design and i wouldnt mind to have such one at home!
Don't whine. Yesterday some junkie bit me on the face and tried to rip my ear off , but my head doesn't hurt. I also slept like a baby.
Watch all the dudesons episodes, just like I just did
i would give this author... 200 penalty points!
i would give you a punch in tha face!
cut it off
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