et > sex?! :~>

some british magazin called oxygen (women magazin i guess :p)
say that playing 30 minutes in computer games makes you burn more calories than having "athlatic" sex :~>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

damn british ppl, go drink your tea in 3 oclock (TEA TIME) !!!
image: img_076a9b91f5d4962d6d340c4e7d5ced85
xD hihihih 1st
Thats the biggest bullshit I have ever heard.
But i bet that you dont fap + jump + being nervous when u play!
they done calories calculations :(
hmm...why are u reading women magazines? :D
i cant start the day without reading a british women magazin :DDDD
i see, its hard to resist those colourful frontpages :(
bullshit imo!
just finished a nice cup of tea actually
do you want some cookies sir
im ok ta, i had some biscuits with my tea
oh yeah uk eats biscuits xD
ask urtier
Lol still sex wins the thing as it is better for your social life, roflomomg.
When you'd have sex the amount of times you have sex might increase, resulting in word to mouth to an other exposure and all girls are liek omg wtf i wanna have sexz with him.
yes, people have sex because it improves their social lives. the only reason the species evolves and keeps evolving is because people care about what others think about them!

you should be an anthropologist, really.
Thanks viax. You should be a professional ET player, really.
if only viax could prove his skill by winning against skilled players like malczik
I don't find it difficult to win versus malczik, to be honest with you?
He is a stereotype "high" player like twinzz is, he knows how to handle highskilled players but he doesn't have any experience, which is the pulling factor for his skill decreases..
Rofl, twinz isn't highskill at all. He's a weak med+ (if...).
That's why I have actually put "high" between " "
what does my playing ET have to do with you being a retard?
We´re both retards afaik cause we´re playing ET..
depends who's on top imo :D
dident you heare of RODEO position ? its on dog position but you grab girl for hair, and told her you have aids ! you burn more calories then
I didn't know rodeo with a bull is made like doggy style :XD
now you know m8 now you know :D
lol british nerds
you burn even more calories if you bang your head against the wall

if you do it you burn 50 calories so if you do this alot 100 times fore example you burn 5000 calories

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