Match report writers.

Pretty easy request. With the vast number of XF NC games in the group stage weeks, it's incredibly hard for me to write match reports for any of the game being played. Why you ask? Well, it's pretty time consuming and I can't watch hours of demos late at night just to write match reports.

So anyway, I'm looking for people who are going to watch certain games on ETTV that wouldn't mind writing me a match report. Nothing drastic, it doesn't have to be complex, grammatically correct or even packed with awesomepro metaphors.

Tonight is easy. There's only one game to cover, so that's ok for me to do. Same for tomorrow, only two games as well. On Thursday however, there are seven games being played that day, which is impossible for me to do full match reports for.

Anyway, if you're interested in helping out just send me a pm here on XF or leave a message with me in IRC. I should be called pedro or pedpro and I'll be in the XF IRC channel.

Credit goes to Latvia dunno for suggesting the idea, so blame him for more rubbish stuff to read!

Anyone that offers to help gets a free banning of their choice. Don't ask for Ireland sol, I can't ban gods. D:

You can see a list of the upcoming matches here so if you're interested in helping please contact me and tell me the game/games you would be keen/happy to write a report for.
Why are you a match reporter if you don't have so much time?
I can't watch seven games at once and I can't stay up all night watching demos of six games. I don't think anyone could, it would be stupid to assume they could.
it is literally impossible to make a good report for 6 matches at one eveninng
Oh my fucking god ...
dont be stupid
Warning Level: 15 / 100

Depending on what matches I might help as well.
Cool. Just have a look at the fixtures list and see of there's any games you fancy watching. As I said, there are seven games being played on Thursday so on days like that, it would be most appreciated.
Warning Level: 15 / 100

Sorry, cant help rule violators!
sol has given you a warning worth 15 points.
Quote being scottish

and why cant you give him a warning for that ? -_-'
ah i no hes a pussy
He was just testing it as a joke. :)
ill do a pod cast, you can be barry glendenning and ill be james richardson.
You can be Gary Lineker and I'll be Alan Hansen?
"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker
It's called football.
true true, but I just copy and paste and cba to edit :P
like gary would say soccer

Haha soooo true ;)
please. your gordan stracken and im that leonardo
ooh ye i forgot to say SOL is a cunt and im gonna ban im irl for sure.
i only write in dutch :<
Good luck with it !
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