Blair Witch

image: blair_witch_

I know it's older than old but do you acutally think

The Blair Witch Project is fake??
Why shouldn't it be real?
no it's not
its fake
It's about as real as the rumour that black men are "bigger".
no its completely real, i dont understand why you even ask that question
A friend of a mate who knows someone that had a dog who's previous owner was in hospital with some dude who's 2nd cousin knew someone who saw the film and said it was real.

I believe them tbh.
the guy in the hospital lied
To be honest, I always thought he was the shifty one in the chain.
yes, and the editing together with hollywood-effects were already there while filming it so it can be showed on the big screen right away
Is it a good film? I've heard its scary as fuckkkkkkkkkkkk :L
only the very last bit is scary
The very last bit is a bit of a mind fuck. The rest has some jumpy moments. I liked it as it wasn't your average Hollywood horror flick.
Worth seeing if you haven't already.
will watch it soon then :D
I saw it once but cannot stand it :/ just because it might be real.. it's awful :) it's crazy! i got scared and ran away from the tv!
Yep, the government decided that instead of pushing the UK through a recession we would simply turn back the clock to a more economically stable era.
maybe dunno, just google
the dinosaur feet made it look fake:<
It's not real faggot. It's been directed 1999 by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez. Check IMDB n00b.
ofc its fake.. one of the cheapest movies ever made (70000 dollars afaik, might be wrong) and they made so much money out of it

No Wai!!!!
QuoteThe Blair Witch Project is a low-budget American horror film released in 1999. Though the film is entirely fictional
Your 'Sarcasm Radar' appears to be broken.
i dont have one
I think I am gonna watch it tonaight!
better have ur gf to hold your hand, u might get scared :P
she doesnt watch horror movies :P
holy cock, i got 15 warning points ;D
Fake duh, but one of the best scary movies ever. If not the best.
no, sorry
blair witch is not real, but the ghosts exists really.
hmm, you think the ghosts exists ?
i know it, because people saw them. There are God, evil, angels and ghosts. Ghosts are ex angels. But u dont have to believe it if u dont want.
I've never saw this movie :(
Is godzilla fake? Thats teh real question here tbh!
the story of the movie is 100% fake you son of your parents!

and well, godzilla is not fake, it really exists. i saw it in motherfucking tokyo, yeah. could not believe how big it was.
Knew it was real, damn my parernts for trying to tell me its fake. Knew they was just trying to stop my nightmares about it at teh age of 19!!!
hi finkregh :> <3
they gave some students a camera and sent them off in the forest to make a horror film. that's it.
If this is not fake then Jordans tits are real
Why didn't James Bond ever take a poo
Ofc its fake, and it started a trend of very bad movies. And do yourself a favour, never watch the sequel.
Yeah it's fake...But Project Monester is worse...
i believe it
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