RTCW 2 MP: Supernatural weapons confirmed!

Just thought you guys should know. Activision published this press release today:

Wolfenstein™ – From id Software’s critically-acclaimed and multi-million unit selling Wolfenstein universe, which pioneered and defined the first-person action genre, comes the ultimate supernatural thriller. Set within a near-fictional, historical WWII setting, players take on the role of the heroic OSA agent BJ Blazkowicz as they are thrust into the unknown and unexpected to battle against combat troops, otherworldly forces, and the dark science created by a supernatural Nazi force hell-bent on world domination. Wolfenstein offers players an action-packed experience as they investigate the powers of a dark parallel dimension, join with resistance forces, and employ an arsenal of conventional and otherworldly weapons in attempts to annihilate the Nazi war machine. Ensuring a deep variety of action, Wolfenstein provides gamers with an assortment of interlinked missions that drive an intense, story-driven combat experience; while the Wolfenstein multiplayer experience continues the world-renowned tradition of class-based team objective gameplay with a full arsenal of conventional and supernatural weapons for addictive online warfare.

Source: http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/17077/Activision-Confirms-NextGeneration-Wolfenstein/
<What chaplja said>
Possibly the last Activision game coming from id :\
please link for the source?
it still can be very good :>

<can also end up very bad:p>
I agree. I will not judge the game before I have tried it myself
the will turn off those forces/weapons for competition anyway....
Even if they turn out good?
ofc then not, take a look at ET
we didn't keep mortar & shit. on the other hand, we still have the rifle for example...
"for addictive online warfare."

Addictive, heheh.
I'm sure it will be :)
I enjoy it :>>>
Its piece of shit
omg... that was bad news

Anyway im gona cry now
Actually it's a good news imo. The keep classes for multiplayer. Rtcw had also monsters in single player. Although i hope the weapons will still stay the same @ rtcw2.
I really hope this game does not disappoint.
Hmm, RTCW2 PRO will solve it :), atleast there still will be stopwatch mode, so as long they will not fuck up the physic it will be ok
class-based team objective gameplay so I don't care about supernatural shit
like et qw :(
while the Wolfenstein multiplayer experience continues the world-renowned tradition of class-based team objective gameplay with a full arsenal of conventional and supernatural weapons for addictive online warfare.

who cares, should be fun

and if those weapons really suck, remember they can always be disabled
yes + it doesnt really matter anyway (read lettus comment)
why not? mg42, mortar & flamethrower also got disabled in ET
i hope it will be like ET nowadays, e.g. axis team is allowed to have 5 'normal' axis soldiers and one supernatural guy which compensates the allied panzer or rifle
i dont really care if theres some futuristic weapons its the gameplay that matters and they seem to be on the right track considering it
The statement "continues the world-renowned tradition of class-based team objective gameplay" is pretty encouraging.
ye well dont get ur hopes up.. et:qw also has class-based team objective gameplay
Though they didn't mention there being any vehicles here! yay!
next to the vehics it's the nonlinear mapbuilt that makes etqw shitty...
and next to that there are many other aspects which decide the gameplay or 'feeling' of a game
we'll just have to wait for a demo before we can really judge anything
seriously... some ppl on cf should leave the hope for a graphical remake of rtcw/ET because that's just not gonna happen... things simply have to change in order to improve smth and make a new game interesting for the public
"otherworldly weapons"

-> epic fail
ye but remember we crossfire are small part of customers in that game...
i love Blazkowicz
"full arsenal of conventional and supernatural weapons for addictive online warfare."

Wolfenstein 4

RTCW2, Return To Castle Wolfenstein 2
Wolfenstein 7.
wolfenstein 3d2!
Wolfenstein: Secret War perhaps?
dont mind petrip, he forgot to take his pills today
Wolfenstein, it's written!
I don't usually like supernaturla futuristic laser megafuck cannon plasmagun shooters but if the gameplay will be good like the article is promising, it might become one of the rare ones that I like
Every supernaturla futuristic laser megafuck cannon plasmagun shooter promises to be good though...
The game will probably be a piece of shit, the Crossfire community will hate it, but it will sell over a million copies and get fairly good reviews.

And those who played RTCW but skipped ET because they would wait for RTCW2 ... You lost.
I really am preying for NO TANK, CHOPPERS SPACE SHIPS OR HORSES THAT YOU CONTROL. I can always wish i suppose :<
What, no horses?
Yea because i can see them kicking everyone as they spawn.

1 Horse > 6 man Team
what about dragons?
They are overrated, like Cows are aswell. But horses? Mate dont mess with them they are lethal creatures :<
nothing wrong with supernatural nazis
oh noes :///
Could be nice.
I think its moving on time chaps, no more ting ting but zap zap its evolution your either on the bus or left in the past :)

As long as it's balanced and got no vehicles.
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