The Mist (movie)

*Possible spoilers herein*

Well, I searched to see if anyone had made a journal about this movie, but the last one was in April so I wonder if more people have seen it since.

The Mist at IMDb

I just finished watching it and thought it was great. I'm not a big fan of horror movies, but I do enjoy ones with more psychological elements in it, like the first Saw movie. This movie has a bit of that too.

Anyway, Thomas Jane was great. Marcia Gay Hayden was really good, but obviously annoying. It was a great display of how crazy people can become in desperate situations, looking for answers.

I loved the ending, and just felt really bad for David Drayton.

worst horror movie EVER, seriously
I'm a big fan of horror & thrillers but this was just crap.
What ones do you like?
Cant come up with much names now but.

The ring
The Usual Suspects
he asked horror
I meant horror movies.

The Ring was alright, the other three were excellent.
The Others is another one I enjoyed watching
Oh yes, I loved that ending too. The Sixth Sense too.

I just hate all these slasher horrors I guess.
Same - allot of these newer horrors, mostly are missing a good story, and try to fill it up with slashing and extra bloody scenes - that make me not watch it - not cuz its disgusting but cuz its irritating.

I love the ones that make u think, leaning more to the thriller side I guess.
you is right!

i saw it last week and it sucked so fcking hard+lame end
wow you really suck in judging movies!
or YOU suck in judging movies.
great comeback
psychological elements like saw? I REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE
Hmmm, don't know if I'd say like Saw at all.

But like I said "It was a great display of how crazy people can become in desperate situations"
sounds like mist
i really like thomas jane, he's a great actor. also two thumbs up for the movie
the movie was great, also the ending. Just like you I loved the psychological elements.
Hi max
I think the movie was avarage, "once watchable" and the end was predictable.
straight 7/10 from me

oh by the way the "monster" was very poor and ridiculous, i though i am watching a 90' movie.. especially at the backgarage scene

not the same genre maybe but cloverfield > the mist
the end was predictable? wtf?
they tried really hard to make ppl "wow i didnt expect this", was too obvious for me, i dont say wasnt good but but
I was like flashed from that sad ending. I expected a happy one :(
I really hated the movie. everything happening in it by the characters was so obvious and I got really irritated by the mad bitch.
also the ending... well atleast they couldve checked outside, that was rather stupid and annoying, though it had more dramatical ending that way, which was good.

overall a movie that I would never watch again and which I wouldnt recommend to anyone.
QuoteI got really irritated by the mad bitch.

Hehe. I think that was the point.
yeah, but still, shouldnt they avoid such when making movies? :p

oh and forgot to mention, this movie definitely doesnt fall under category of horror in my books. the atmosphere is just wrong and it wasnt even remotely scary at any point during the movie.
Quoteyeah, but still, shouldnt they avoid such when making movies?
It made it a whole lot more sweet when Ollie owned her with a pistol, though.

As for the category, I disagree. I don't know what you would class as horror, but even a film like Stephen King's "Misery" should be considered horror.
yes thats true, though the reactions from the others and the fact that they actually started listening to that bitch made it even more irritating and it took ollie waaaay too long to shoot her lol.

and well, surely its 'horror' but very bad one.
the ending of this movie was the worst ending I've ever seen (I mean when the army arrived), whole movie was crap. DO NOT WANT
Have you watched Signs?

Now THAT'S a stupid ending.
of course, but I think this one still wins in worst endings competition
i generally dislike horror/thrillers because of the happy ending. it's always the same.. some "good guys" die , and at the end the main characters are still standing after defeating the boogieman. the ending of this film was just fucking nice, and i enjoyed the movie a lot aswel. If i would of been in a situation like that, i would have shot Marcia GAY Hayden muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch earlier ^^
I love tragic endings but this one was so obviously designed to create that feeling. The strange reasoning of not waiting with shooting each other together with some of the worst acting I've seen made that scene so bad it was disgusting.
yea, and what? just couple seconds after that everything is over and army arrived saving zeh world. what a unbelievable coincidence!! :XD
Dodgy acting, unrealistic behaviour and a crappy ending.
What exactly is the unrealistic behaviour?

Remember....this is the USA...
I havent given up on mankind yet!
nice ending, a bit expectable tho

rest was average
Predictable and stupid story, bad actors, pseudo psychological bullshit, bad special effects and silly ending. Typical Stephen King movie.

If you want good horror, try
The Shining
Ju-On (original)
The Ring
The Exorcist
The Thing
QuotePredictable and stupid story, bad actors, pseudo psychological bullshit, bad special effects and silly ending. Typical Steven King* movie.

QuoteIf you want good horror, try
The Shining*
Ju-On (original)
The Ring
The Exorcist
So what? Imo the majority of Stephen King horror film adaptions sucked.
Nothing, I just found it amusing that you happened to choose two of his.
What I find more interesting is that both belong to the first 3 movies based on Stephen King novels :o
Interesting...until you see that The Shawshank Redemption was in 1994 and The Green Mile was in 1999. Just two examples (both by the same director as The Mist actually....)
Hmm? Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile aren't horror movies, are they? What are you talking about? :F
Quotefirst 3 movies based on Stephen King novels :o

I was responding to that. You're impression was that adaptations of King's novels have decreased in quality over the years.
No. I just thought it was interesting that I like those two very early movies. Didn't mean to interpret anything. But yeah, imo Carrie and The Shining have much more depth than recent horror adaptions.
Let me tell you something. When I watched The Mist, I didn't know who wrote it. I am still angry, because I expected a lot more. When I saw that King wrote the story I immediately thought of movies like Dreamcatcher, Langoliers or Needful Things. However, I never read one of his books and I know that many people consider his (horror) novels to be much better than the film adaptions.
You wanna have the last word? Okay, maybe my statement was too general. Do you like most of his horror novels/the movies?
I haven't seen much of them, but not only are Carrie and The Shining great horror movies...they're just great movies.

You're diving way too deep into this. I was just amused that you said 'Typical Stephen King movie' then recommended other movies, two of which where Stephen King movies. :P
He probably tried to let you know the name is Stephen.
make sure to check out The Strangers almost pissed my pants watching it
J-Horror are the best
amazing horror, screwed up Tommeh and Mztik :DDDD the ending they were like.... err wtf?!!?!?!?!??! :DDD i lol'd and felt like a asshole
I didn't like this movie at all. Never seen such lousy acting as in the very end. The "going crazy" -yell was worst I've ever seen in any movie.
Thought it was great. The ending was brilliant haha :-D
the ending was great!
I didn't like The Mist much. It was too predictable.
I did not like the end of the movie....
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