ET: Crosshair is chlorine addict?

I crashed my HDD and had to re-setup everything, including ET. Besides the fact that I have FPS drops (non is stable, if I enter /com_maxfps 43 it will always be lower than that even though if I enter 125 it is just sightly lower than that but, and that makes it pretty annoying in ET, not stable @all) that become worse the more players join the fight I decided to sherlock this out myself (as I remember alot of Nvidia drivers killed my FPS journals here some time ago, some handsome guy can send me a link??) and ask a question that might be interesting for you if you think you know about ET.
Long talk, problem here:
No matter what I do my crosshair is white! I change it in the cfg and in the options (changes in CFG change the options so its nothing resetting it somewhere else in the cfg) and the preview will be green/red but the crosshair is just white. Any ideas? Maybe connected to the FPS(-bug/-problem/-false setting)???
I have never experienced that problem before and I dont know anyone who could not say "gtfo and fix ur cfg, nerd" but its true.
I am pleased for any ideads and suggestions!

.edit. crosshairhealth is 0.
cg_Crosshairhealth 0 ?
haha good idea but I checked that.
try again

cg_crosshaircolor "NOTWHITE"
cg_altcrosshaircolor ?
cg_drawcrosshair 5 got no alt.
Timer for an occasional: Ask perfo
If he can't figure his problem out himself he should quit ET..
maybe, but who are we to judge other beings?
He should know these basic commands though if he plays ET :{
what epeli said
i have exact the same problem with my fps, if i put it on 125 i got 115-120, when i put it on 76 i have 70
didnt change anything in my config, so dunno, dont think so
so what will we do? I got 3Gb DDR2 a Pentium D with 3Ghz and a nvidia 8800GT Superclocked. Everything worked well until the drivers update (for fakkn UT2003 on LAN)
i didnt had that problem till i updated my drivers i think. Should look for the older ones, but dont know the number anymore
me neither. i updated it to 19 and I use the 16 now. Not better. If you find a link to a rather old driver (about half a year should be fine) Id be glad if you send me the link.
if i put mine on 85 it stays at 90 ^^ dont know why it does that but it stays at 100 fine so i dont pay attention to it :/
cg_drawcrosshair 5
cg_crosshairsize 48
cg_crosshaircolor RANDOMCOLORHEREZ
cg_crosshairhealth 0
cg_crosshairalpha 1

should work.

edit: sorry but I like to correct mistakes!
if even abort can't help, then ET is really dead!
damn, you were 1second faster than me!
not, ur superman!
he doesnt want it to be white!
so it will be white too! :D
hey :} where are u @ irc ):?
install mainboard drivers
I had those FPS drops you mentioned. They were caused by the CPU. When Intel CPUs get to hot, they start to drop cycles. So maybe you should check your CPU temperature and clean your fans if it's too hot
fans totally clean (I had some progress finding out that it was the HDD broken) and temp. monitor looks good. thanks for the idea!
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