RtCW2: First Screenshots (Wolfenstein)


Real screenshots, no more scans from a magazine. First thoughts?
wait i ll check it out !

doesnt look thaaaat nice imo...

but care as long as the gameplay owns :)
Enviroments look nice, but I am bit vary on the models, they don't look as bad as they did in the scans, but I expected more.

I know that most people here will tune everything down to get decent FPS for MP, but I guess the looks mean something too :)
apart from the fact that they are the same as the scans...

i can see the "second-view" like cod weapons will be available (slower game?) for an mp40...
They aren't, get your eyes checked, there are 2 new ones at least.
soz forgot to say: most of them...
What do you mean by this: "i can see the "second-view" like cod weapons will be available (slower game?) for an mp40..."

If you remember, RtCW had different gameplay in MP and SP, you run faster, shoot more rapidly and so on. More intense.
i dont know how you explain it tbh but if you played COD, with any weapon you had a second shooting view being a sniper, thompson, garand anything... if you see the s/s the players are holding their weapon at their eye level not like ET...
those are the computer controlled players in SP. I really wouldnt draw any conclusions based on how they hold their guns. I think the nazis in RTCW sp held their guns like that too.
ironsight ! it sux :(
ye thats it

and yes it sux
It doesnt mean that iron sights will be used, even in single player, they are just animations on the models, think of ET and shrugging characters, you dont notice your own character doing it, you just see your health/ammo packs on screen as normal. Also iron sights dont mean it will be slow, its just the trend with games that use them at the moment. If iron sight aiming is used, lets just hope they dont follow the trend.
one word: horrible
One question: why? I would like hear that too, keep this as a discussion rather than as a poll.
reminds me of Quakewars a bit :o) I don't like games, which are looking like laser boooooooom baaaaam ARMAGEDDON greeeeeeeeeeeeeenn eye cancer :D
Hey, RtCW had lazers too, but not in MP. These are shots from the SP part - or so I think, it would be hard to balance that lazers be here weapon :l
that's a knock-down argument. but I don't understand why these ppl are always programming games for high-end hardware. that's kinda weird
That doesn't seem to be a game for that high-end hardware. You can buy HD4850 for 150euros, and it will run this easily.
gief me 150€ and it's okay x[
Or better wording, if you can run Quake 4, you can run this.
looks like DOD:S for me with a spice of dragons
where be the dragons? :)
look , up in the sky!!
it's a plane!
it's a bird!
no , it's ze dragons
looks nice
Well, watching the ground on one of the screenshots, I have to say that this game infact doesn't look better, but worse than ET.
Well, that might be just too evident on these stills. Also, I don't know which version these are from. Art assets are optimized for every platform, and if this is from X360 version or PS3 version it would explain the certain lack of detail.

I am more worried about the lack of detail in the models. Looking back at the screenshot from DNF, they had a lot more detail going on.
"Finally, remember that RtCW2 is the first game of id Software have been developed primarily for the Xbox 360." AHAH
That's someone interpreting things wrong. It has been developed X360 as the primary development platfrom. That changes things.

Also, it's never a reason to have worse game. Since, essentially, you can do your assets and scale them down for the consoles.
looks bad, very bad :/
if you check high res screenshots
same engine as q4/d3/qw = guess what

even cod4 (q3 engine) produces higher quality of picture and better feeling

anyway, gentleman, prepare your game controllers!
Certainly has it roots in id Tech 4, but Carmack already said that they have very little in common. Some highlevel hierarchy stuff, but beyond that it's like apples and oranges.

The Wolfenstein multiplayer experience continues the world-renowned tradition of class-based team objective gameplay."

Where's the Thompson? :(
It has been replaced with a uber-mega-green-yellow-power-laser
Let's hope not!
Needs dragons.
what kind of dragons would be the best? medieval ones?
this is odd... but I be thinking those dragons be gay? of course, in a totally non-gay way that is!
no gloves no win! Hands look weird and over sized! Yes i know its only an early screenshot but still :P
I wouldn't say these are early, or not that early, game has been in development for years. But things can change rapidly, as with DNF where they changed the Duke model 3 times in 1 year.
i doubt that the laz0r gun will be in multiplayer

i also don't really care about graphics as long as it will be optimised good
dunno why but i like the pictures if they r from a single player
hope multiplayer game will be little different

ps: awesome general caps
sux. I would like to see some ingame footage.
Looks like it'll stay true to the "environment" of RTCW, we only have to see if that holds true for gameplay as well.

© 2009 id Software, Inc. All rights reserved

Guess it won't be in time for Christmas.
What? That's what it says on the URL I posted... I saw your screenshots on the other one, too.
You know, I didn't see that "© 2009 id Software, Inc. All rights reserved" on the site. Only generic advertisements. Since it is registered for Activision by markmonito company, that protects your trademarks, by registering different domains automatically.

It's right under the "endrant" advertisement. :)
guys you can't expect that game to totally be like et :D that's not what id wants and also it wouldn't be possible because et is just the ultimate fps tacticshooter there can't be naything better..et has it all
3 words: this just simply sucks
I Rly dunno what to say right now Cos the clock is now 3:30 Swedish time
ooh so you have like a cover system now
looks cool
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