the program

can anyone give me link to download the program wich shows you servers and u can also add servers to favorite. and than connect in ET with the program.
english version pls.

thnak you.

shoutout to m1ke

edit: thank you all got it

special thanks to bizkid and infi
HLSW or ASE, go for HLSW but dont download the latest version - older one is better :)
could you maybe teach me some things on it? :> maybe if we go some vent :>
why is older better?
well i could but since im at work now, im leaving in a sec tho - finishing atm, then i'll go to the city and get home round 4ish. older is better cause it doesnt have that account bullshit, newer ones ask for registration and login everytime u start it, download older, u just have to open it and it runs straight away - might say there are newer versions but u can stop it from saying it

settings>settings>startup>login on startup

views>dont show buddylist.

not the buddylist, when u restart ur router it asks u to login again, and i cba to do that everytime, theres hardly any differences between the older and newer one - so i like older more.
settings>settings>startup>login on startup

how hard can it be!!
gtfo! :D as i said there hardly are any differences, and the login seems pointless imo so im using older version. btw got 30 warning points now ;D
xfire , hlsw , ase
Hey, i recommend the use of HLSW
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