Wolfenstein E3 2008 Trailer

its already posted for like 4 times today? O_o
another journal about the same...
few journals later...
dont delete this one
open your eyes for christs sake
At first I was like
But then I opened mah eyez
at first i was like
but then i opened mah eyez
looks gay
is this the "rtcw2" wich will be the next wolfenstein game ?
yes, simply called Wolfesntein
yeah a flying man with jetpaks throwing down some explosing stuff, reminds me a bit of another shitgame tbh
Clip showed the single player.

RTCW had a science fiction single player aswell. So quit your whining plx.
i cant remember that there was a flying man with jetpacks
This in fact is a different trailer, it haves few more clips in the inside and at the end.
were you uploading some press conferance thingy? :o
nice, ty (:
wow thank you very much <3
cheers mate, saves downloading the whole thing. does anyone else find it annoying when he seems to get excited about the ability to use supernatural weapons in multiplayer? NO ONE WANTS IT GEEZ!
a bit, though it might not be that bad afterall, we might get some actually interesting aspects and in worse case scenario, the most imba stuff would get disabled.
the fact that they are supernatural means they can use their imagination and forget the realism on making better functions to be used in multiplayer.
new 2 me, thx
looks shit and only for ps3 and xbos not for pc
"and only for ps3 and xbos not for pc "

I'm sorry, what are you trying to tell us?
wrong stuff
heard it yesterday when u were laughing bout the following comments (i was kinda confused thats why i didnt say anythin)...but let me give u somethin to think about:
U found the logos of Xbox360 and PS3 easily...but tell me, do u have a clue whats the logo beside PS3?
On the other side we got Xbox360 which is technically 80% comparable to PC-systems, so it leads to the question: why should activision exclude all the guys who became fans cause of the PC-games of wolfenstein while the last 15 (!) years (is there any game with an "longer" history? no there isnt,´t, not on PC nor on any platform!
there is no chance for missing that game on PC, 99% for sure ;)
Ja mein english is scheiße :<
das dritte logo gehört zur PSone...ka wie das dorthin paßt
aber ich geh davon aus, daß die ncoh nicht 100% sure sind für welche palttformen es kommen wird, wobei ich mir nur schwer vorstellen kann, daß es nicht fürn PC rauskommt, allein aus dem Grund, daß es marketingstrategisch dumm wäre, eine bestehende community von vornherein auszuschließen! Wieso sollte man 1Mio pot. Käufer enttäuschen und darauf setzen, ein neue Konsolencommunity aufzubauen!
Da hast du recht.
As long as we have the same balance we had in the other games, it's all good!
i hate rafiki !
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