my et screen #2

Few days ago i posted something about my et screen, i didnt want to play at fullscreen but i wanted the etscreen over whole my desktop except my taskmenu, that was fixed with the rmode -1 end the customwidth and height. But when i play like that (or when i play fullscreen and press alt + enter) my fps drops down to 30 or something although i normally have 125 stable. How is that possible and how can i fix this ?
dunno but i once had an inverted screen! :D
fullscreen = much better fps, simple as that
no its not, fullscreen and windowed are supposed to have the same fps, i also play windowed and same fps as fullscreen
xfire has the strangest people
dont you play for System6 ??????
ye but it's not normal to have 30fps windowed and 125 fullscreen, and thats why he's asking for a fix :P
hmm that could be it
Try not using a custom resolution while windowed, see if that helps.
if i play at 1024*768 it is normal. So i think i switch my windows to that resolution aswell
hm 2d clock on videocard are usualy way lower than in 3d.
maybe your OS just changes it to 2d when you play window-mode.

i notice a little change also when not playing in fullscreen
idd, and i live at LLI, what a lovely life!
deskspace, topspace, windowblinds, winamp, interactive desktop, blablabla, yadayadaya
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