me and a friend are going to do a interrail wich will start 3rd august til 25th we already have the ticket, and we know already the countries that we are gonna visit, so i am asking you to tell me some nice spots to visit, not only historical buildings, but some places where
two guys can have fun and meet ppl from our age (18-22)

any help would be quite appreciated!

starting from: Portugal Porto
come leipzig germany :) awesome city
Come Marseille in France. You have beach, sea, lot of people and more, more, more! :D
what is that?

train ticket for europe?

porto -> madrid -> barcelona -> toulouse -> paris -> brussels -> amsterdam -> hamburg -> berlin -> POLAND :D
actually, my plan is more or less like this:
porto ->san sebastian > paris > amsterdam > berlin > warszawa > krakow > praha > wien > bratislava > budapest > zagreb > beograd > bucuresti >instanbul > greece > italy (by ferryboat) > barcelona > porto

colone is absolutely worth visting
Q-Dorf in Berlin :)
what's that?
Club in Berlin to partayy :)))
well, i am going to berlin for sure, so i might go there =)
Also nice to visit if you're there: Q-dorf (...), Matrix, Klo, Absinth-Bar :)
i wanna meet you @ holland nub
ok, 9th saturday is fine?
i will accept you as my guide there! :D
and you will tell me what are the best coffeshops/clubs etç
so you will be my guide!
i know that you are a geek/nolifer, but i will show you the good way!
is that gay maikel still alive?
wannabeish? xD
omg i wanna see you both there :D
i knew that you would be scared!
next stop: Veenendaal
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