MMORPG - advice

Which MMORPG's would you recommend?

Bibuy & thanks in advance.
diablo 2, world of warcraft
agree with wow :)

l2,cabal,guildwars,rappelz...are ok..but getting boring soon
A few years ago I would have told you to get Guildwars, but now it has successfully been spoilt by ArenaNet.
None at all!
Yep, fucking Ursan :-(.
OMG i seriously LOL'd, but then i realized...its true :=)
silkroad ;)
silkroad sux more than cs1.6
eeer depends what you like if your not afraid of abit of grinding go for dekaron/2moons for pvp L2 depends :)
I'm already bored of L2, will try 2moons though. Thanks a lot :')
then tbh try Rohan its way better then 2moons D:
Real life.
have to agree on this one :> mmorpg is such a waste of time !
If you have some spare time, it's a good alternation to fps-games.
Your last journal has proven that you're a moron, just gtfo.
rofl, why start flaming? i just aprove what u said....
I thought the 'ok' was sarcastic, nvm.
nono :> ah cmon i am not a bad person at all :<
what level?
you stole this 4 minutes ago !
rimescape or somethiong like that
World of Warcraft and maby AoC
Delete the journal i made a journal about the same topic and i got +15 warning points and a official warning

\o/ munn
If you start to play mmorpgs i personally come to your home and kick your ass. :|
Cabal Online
all my friends are playing guildwars. I do not because not enough time
I'm surely not in the mood to play a MMORG the whole day, it's just an amusement.
GW sucks ass, already tried it out with a friend of mine.
gw is pvp only

gw is the only online rpg game to pull off PERFECT pvp

it really was the epitome of the genre, nothing even comes close

its just a shame they killed the game with the first expansion...
true :<
i stopped playing it because the first addon sucked ...
Aion online :) , tho you have to wait 4-7 months for its release. I think it will be a hit! (be afraid WoW)
Still waiting for more info on the MMOFPS Huxley. They seem to have started open Beta testing in Korea 2 weeks a go.
How would he find the time? He got plenty of folks to ban.
If you wanna keep your girlfriend or if you want to get one, don't touch any MMORPG.
second that :D
Rohan Blood Feud ... you can play as a dragon \o/ bet instadownload from razzah :&
WoW is still the best MMO by far.
Metin2 it roxx ^^ the community is like the et community :D
Lord of the Rings online!
Only mmorpg i can rly advice is ragnarok online... best mmorpg ever
WoW, anyone saying anything else is lying.
WoW was quite nice a while, but then it got boring for me (no role-play at all (even at RP-Servers -.-) - leveling and hanging around in instances gets boring)

I play Rohan now for a while... but will get boring for me soon as well.

I needed a role-playing game with real roleplay like The 4th Coming -.- nice small community and fun with roleplaying, too bad the german servers are a joke.
wow is the best mmorpg but i'd suggest you don't start them at all, if you get hooked you'll just end up wondering why you wasted your spare time on something this meaningless. it gets cool with highend arenas and to some degree raiding, but pvp has so many issues these days it's not even fun to play anymore, especially if you're a paladin.
they have a chance to ruin it further

QuoteDispersion : You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by -90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% health and mana every 1 sec for 6 seconds.
go and play some 3on3s against miho



Do not get tied up in OP classes and even think of browsing the wow forums, they will poison your mind and make you more addicted to the game. I think levelling a character to 70 is ok, then maybe do a few raids, but anything after that you will become completely obsessed and start flaming blizzard on the forums and stuff :x

I'm done with wow because I played in a top raiding guild and it really screwed me over in terms of time required.


I won't play any more MMORPG's untill blizzard release their new MMO which is not based on wow :) And I have promised myself to just level a character or two and leave it there. Getting good gear will not be a priority because expnasions will most likely arrive and they are just gear resets - so that's a no no for me :]

Oh yeah and if you want to play serious don't go into player vs player. It's a stupid excuse for an esport and its basically just a massive grind.
the pvp remark is surely only specific to wow!

Guild Wars pvp had practically zero grind because everyone had equal gear, all pvp gear was equal to the best stuff you could get from pve, you could roll a pvp character unlimited times as any class with any gear setup which spawned at 20

the only "grind" part would be unlocking the statboosters on items and some elite skills, but you could unlock them just by playing pvp, didn't have to grind to be able to play it
In wow pvp feels like a grind. Even if it's not technically killing monsters over and over, it just isn't very satisfying killing people in wow. And the way blizzard make you do it hundreds of times to get rewards, it's very demoralising.

Oh and yeah, my above post was all specific to wow, it's the only MMO i've ever played.
I bought glider but I was always shit scared of getting banned. So i was always in the room while it did its stuff, so its not like it was good for me :(

For me it got to the point where I had to bot to keep up repair costs to raid with my guild, I simply did not have the time =/
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