doom 4 = 30fps

"The jump in graphical fidelity comes about as Doom 4 is targeted to run at 30 frames per second, whereas Rage will run at 60 frames per second. Carmack claims this allows id to throw "three times as much horsepower" at Doom 4.

[Doom 4 is] going to be a 30Hz game," he told Maximum PC. "It's going to look like a totally new game engine on there, even though it's going to be built on the four years of effort that we spent developing this generation of technology."
o ... m ... G
QuoteThe jump in graphical fidelity comes about as Doom 4 is targeted to run at 30 frames per second, whereas Rage will run at 60 frames per second.
can i has your brainz?
30 cycles per second
30 images per second

where is the difference?
i needs his brainz! plox halp me!
If i understand this correctly, it's the _game_ engine that runs on 30hz. That is, where people and monsters and veichles are located are calculated 30 times per second. This does NOT mean that the game can't render more than 30 frames per second graphic-wize.

Take ET. The servers run at 20 hz(afaik), so everything (movements, bullets, veichles, lablablabla) are calculated 20 times per second. But then the game just interpolates what's inbetween those 20 hz and can thus render more than 20fps.

That being said, i do NOT know this stuff for sure, but it sounds reasonable to me.
if ET is 20, and Doom 4 is 30, then Rage's 60 must be awesome.
No it's not like that. ET servers are on 20 snaps (hz), but client is not restricted on 20 hz. Best way to see it is to write timescale 0.1 when viewing demo in ET and compere with any idtech4 game demo on same timescale. Than you realize why idtech4 engine sux in mp.
FPS is what the card puts out, no matter what the screen is doing
Hz is what the screen shows up, no matter what the card is doing.

severside hz dont matter at all (they are only indicating how often the server is calculating actions)
fps can also refer to the amount of data frames send to the server / back to you per second.
if thats the sv_fps thing, use to get a lot of whine (still, a bit) if that was wrong. ;P
d3/q4 engine was developed for 30fps, too iirc
in idTech3 there is a cvar called sv_fps to change it afaik, default is 20
Yep, you're right!
its bugged in W:ET though :[
You mean the weapons acting strange when you set it to 30 for example? :>
Yeah for example
ET is 20..
all thouse games with superlights look like faggotry -.-
MGS4 is 30.

Gta4 is 30.

aha! makes sense to me like an owl after wedding party!
30 fps? lol even cArnje cant own than!!!
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