Duke Nukem Trilogy Trailer !! Ballsy !

what a fucking bad trailer
True, but it's bad to a point where it's absolutly awsome.

Just imagine releasing that in front of hundreds of journalists just to watch their faces. I wish I could have seen that tbh.
theyre just reapiting all the time those titles
O RLY ?!

Didn't notice...
No shit. its a joke.
You know, it's meant to be a joke :D
Haha love the comments whining about the trailer

I'da loved to see the crowd reaction
good trailer, i watched till the end
eeem, trailer doesnt show part of game..
lol. such a bad trailer.

0/10 soz
best comment on this trailer:
Quote by rvdm88after all these years, THIS is what they come up with??

i could have mixed/edited that myself in a DAY!
and why the hell is it comming to the DS and PSP?

probably because the models made for forever were so outdated that the only way to use them is on a DS!!

100% agree!
That looks so cheesy...
what the hell was that shit.

fraps on duke nukem original would have outdone that :|
obviously a joke 8D
must be a joke omg :o
everybody who loves Duke 3D should love this trailer :D
I know I do
hahaha :D
its shit....
I love the people falling for this xD

I would have loved to see the audiences faces, I can't believe they stretched that out to 4 minutes! haha!
Give my 4 mins back
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