
Does any1 use that shit??
I need the sn.
or if any1 can tell meh a antispyware prog for free...simply DO IT !

10x xS
come on mate
help the poor falle
dont be evil like this one
image: funny-pictures-there-is-no-fluffy
avast antivirus. Comes with free awesome. Or SpyBot. Or Hitman. Y'know, I think you could also use "Google". It's an up and coming feature on the internet, and it'll tell you exactly how to get rid of spyware. Go visit their site, www.google.com . It's really interesting!
no man ur soo noob avast sux..olololo.whats more i got this shit and doin' nothin' at all.
f**%$&^n' messed up !!!!!xD
What can I say... Don't download porn? Be glad you got a fucking helpful answer instead of calling me a "noob olololo". Also, use fucking Google instead of wasting your time replying.
Lil' hint: DO A BLOODY VIRUS SCAN. Might help your fat ass.

/b/ meme: Also, do a barrel roll. I highly suggest you do. It's proven to be highly effective.
image: Barrel%20Rolls

Now get off my internet.
kaspersky 2009
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