Wolfenstein release date?

HardGame2 (spanish gaming community)

QuoteWolfenstein (PC)
Lanzamiento: 00-11-2008

according to this webpage,the game we are waiting for is going to be released in november 2008(the day is not sure though)!
btw this site has been following E3 since the beginning
anyway, I smell fake!

is it only for console the release date or for pc aswell ?
Quote Wolfenstein (PC)
Lanzamiento: 00-11-2008
didnt see the "(PC)"
Fake most likely.
"More about this at Quakecon"

doubt it'll be out this year, some developers will rush a game out for christmas but really, cant see that happening when it's only officially surfaced in the last weeks!

Quote© 2009 id Software, Inc. All rights reserved
will be fail anyway
You'll never get anywhere in life without that attitude.

was tomorrow i heard
I'm quite sure its bullshit
end of the year because 2009 = fiscal year who is begining in 2k8.
ääähm the first time u heard about Wolfenstein was on the E3. And u rly think that it will come that year? xDDDDDDDDDD
They started working on it right after Quake 4, so in November 2005 or something. Regular games are produced in 1-2 years (usually 2 for AAA titles I guess), 3 years is already getting a bit long, I can't believe it won't be released in fall this year or spring next year.
did you know there is a winter too
but u didnt know anything from the game... a few days ago the first screens came out, and than a 30sec trailer has been released. Imo it wont come 2008 out... but if we got luck it wont take as long as stalker...
it was released yesterday you dumbasses!
00???? bs they just gamble
They are probably just guessing like said before
hi meTal !
it will be released at 2009 :>
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