fov calculator!

Yesterday my Samsung Syncmaster 226BW arrived. I used to play on a 17 " CRT (rmode 6 ). Any idea how I could get some of the feeling back.

r_mode "-1"
r_customwidth "x"
r_customheight "x"
cg_fov "x" (used to be 90 on a 17" so on a 22" ..)

dont worries, halp is on ze ways!
also 90? :D
pm me on irc /q TheoDor SUP
i have a fov calc :>

ok since you dont msg :~<
for wide screen (fov 90=100.39487232) thats if your reso is 16:10
if its 16:9 then 106.270273206
Fov calculators are overrated
are they rated at all?
use the same ....
r_mode "-1"
r_customwidth "1680"
r_customheight "1050"
cg_fov "105"

I've got that screen and I play with this settings..... works fine...
If i do that i can only get 60 hz...
LCD hz is diffrent from crt, 60 is fine. you should have 75 though, i think.
my screen lags like shit
There's no solution
How about you do what works best for you?
r_mode "-1"
r_customwidth "1680"
r_customheight "1050"
cg_fov "102.22"
r_refreshrate 75
r_fullscreen 1
My ET kinda lags when I do this... i can only get 60 hz...
well maybe you have to change it at your screen settings or at your ati/nvidia program
most 22" monitors having max. 60Hz at 1680x1050
just play with the same settings and get used to it :), its what i did!
pls, i had a 15.4" notebook screen and went to 226BW, changed nothing in my cfg...
U will get used to it...
Maybe turn up ur fov a bit or ur resolution...
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