
since im making a movie clip i have deleted alot of un-named demos.

is there any way of restoring demos that i have deleted in the past?

someone said something about an unshredder or something

thanks alot.
either check your recycle bin, if they were deleted years ago then go to and look for any "undelete" windows utility.

Give your PC a scan and see if there are any left laying around
what i mean is i deleted them from recycle bin aswell also they werent deleted that long ago because its with my disq. team also if i give my PC scan how can i specify the demos under dm_84...
depends on the utility to scan for old files, normally you can filter the filename
Folder Lock 5.9.5

perfect !
you shouldn't need porn stashes on your PC

the internet should be your porn folder
thats stream only man. God.
System restore to the day before you deleted them!
system restore doesnt alter files, just registry settings etc
if you restore an old demo you wont be able to watch it ^^
i tried it already
Tuneup Utilities 2008 maybe, dunno
file inspector :o)
tune up undelete :o)
hey tekn0 :)
i downloaded tuneup utilities 2008 and it can only restore up to 14th last month so hopefully that works but u know how to get later than that?
well theres no time based limitations on recuva that i know about

this is how the saving / deleting works:

basically there are 2 rings in your harddrive:
- a big one where everything is saved
- a little one which stores the position of data on the big ring

when you save things it adds the data to the big ring and the address in the little one

deleting files only removes the addresses, so the computer 'forgets' the data but it is still ON the big ring

you can recover the data by restoring the addresses in the small ring

HOWEVER when you save new files, sometimes they write over the deleted data on the big ring, and that makes the files un-recoverable

so its possible that all the older ones are just impossible to get back!
ok... thanks for the explaination =]

i think what i got will do but not sure because i deleted alot at one time

so hoefully they will be there when i get back =]
hi Italian Person
im faking:[
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