favourite game soundtrack

The title says it all, which game has the best soundtrack in your opinion? (This is not about your favourite game, its solely about the soundtrack).

My pick has to be Final Fantasy VIII soundtrack, although the other ffs have also excellent ones, but this > even the lotr movie soundtrack. Really excellent atmospheric and memorable stuff



and btw i can pm links of final fantasy soundtracks (megaupload) to anyone who wants
Final Fantasy VII soundtrack > all.

Especially the music when Aeris dies, just brilliant.
one winged angel > all :)
ff7, ff8 > ET
ff7,ff8 > life
7 + 9 never played 8 :(
ff7 >= ff8 >>>>>>>>> ff9
THPS series
Cabal online
metal gear solid 2 intro and zelda oot gerudo theme
metroid prime
zelda series
metal gear solid
HL2 or mafia
Duke Nukem ofc !
Okami Soundtrack probably.

Final Fantasy OSTs always have great songs.
Morrowind + Mafia
the intro? i love it
http://youtube.com/watch?v=wFBTM6XZmzE > *

Tekken 5 was a fucking great game and I can't wait for tekken 6.

Also oblivion soundtrack is quite nice.
Tony Hawk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12...
zelda fo sho
Fallout 2 for me, definately.

but, Starcraft had some good tunes also :)
the first populous on amiga had a really nice soundtrack. I never found it on the internet, though. :/
Ace combat 5
Haha, loved that game.
Red Alert
secret of mana for snes
ff7 and many many other
Grand thef auto 3:san andreas have good music too
GTA Vice City Soundtrack ftw
Mafia and of course most of the nsfu tracks
unreal <3
and many other songs from unreal and unreal tournament!
Final Fantasy VII soundtrack without a doubt.. Also Chrono Trigger has an epic soundtrack
Final Fantasy 7 and 9 will never forget the musics
Ratchet & Clank has a pretty good soundtrack, especially the later games.
Jak X = awesome on terms of rock/metal
Westwood Studios - Hell March
From red alert.

Fallout 1 & 2, Bioshock
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