How do I watch stuff in HD?

So I have a HD screen, and I'm almost certain my gfx card supports HD

nvidia geforce 9600

Do I need a special cable or something? Because I don't think i'm making the most out of the monitor :P
hmm tried google already? :<
dont you learn this @ school :~<
nope, i finished it tho :<
if you love google so much
find me some hd porn :(((((((
give me a website, not google search result :~<
cant, my provider blocks it :D cant even see search results :D
haha "gay" provider
sent one of your friends to give me :D
well first you need to download hd format movies you nubcake xDDD
the best is 1080p, but you need atlist 22" monitor to watch it fully
No you don't. You need a screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels to watch it fully.
yes and that reso is avi at 22" monitors and above
or am i wrong? :(
I have a 19" iiyama monitor and it can go up to a resolution of 2048x1536.
now i got you...
and how's that.
i give you a hint
lets say you watch on mp4 a fully hd movie (lets say your reso @ mp4 is 1920X1080)
now mr.i-know-every-thing-about-nothing think !
First make sense and ask an actual question. You still haven't made a point.
I think he have herd that if u don't have 22" or bigger you cant see the difference between HD 1080p and 720p. Or is he just to random?
I simply have no clue what his point is or what he even asked or what he thinks he "has me on".
classic pic :)
yes its directed to you >:D
Yes, you need a WLAN cable.
made my day
wireless cable is needed
you sentence is like this
how can you kill the one who have no life :O
fail. really.
Sorry if i wasnt clearer above, had to be quick. Moms giving me trouble :(

I meant my computer monitor is HD? Or is that even possible? on the sticker it sais DVI & HD15 so I just thought it was :P

Do I need a HDMI cable or something? I don't think your average TV one would fit in my gfx card though.
hd monitors means they support hd movies, etc

you still need hd movie :(
the better your gfx and computer specs, you wont have troubles to watch it smooth

btw hd movies are like 12gb :~>
I have HD movies :)
so just watch them :O)
If you're playing HD movies you've downloaded on your computer, then yeah it's HD - HD is just a resolution, and the video will always default too.. it's default resolution.

If you're planning on connecting an HD player to your monitor, you need to make sure that your monitor has the right encryption: you can do that just by trying. Same thing goes if you're using a internal blu-ray or HDDVD drive.
HD doesn't mean your film will suddenly have fancy colours and shiny effects, all it means is that it's using a higher degree of resolution which technically allows you to watch HD films even on your old 14' CRT as computer screens naturally tend to support higher resolutions than TV's. Technically. Not that it would make sense after all.
hd is a method of rendering
while some movies render by removing small objects or render by removing pictures that look the same...

with hd you dont remove those details, thats why the movie looks so real
On original BluRays rather than on reencoded files downloaded from teh intarbuttz.
sry but i have no idea about blue ray technology :D
but i heard its almost same as hd dvd (the quality)
It's just that there are no things as HD-DVDs anymore as BluRay won the competition against Toshibas HD-DVD, which resulted in a fairly massive loss for Microsofts XBOX 360 actually.
so thats mean ps3 won big time? :x
As a multimedia-station, yes. As a gaming station, too, but that's also a matter of opinion.
why do you say this kinda stuff when you obviously have no clue what it is you are talking about.

HD = High Definition. It means a resolution higher than your usual DVD and they come in a bunch of flavors.

720p (1280x720)
1080i (1920x1080 interlaced)
1080p (1920x1080 progressive)

That's all HD is. Nothing more nothing less. NOW, in order to play any digital movie it is encoded with what you call a codec. (COder/DECoder) The piece of software that plays back the movie, wether this is on your PC or a piece of software running in your hardware hddvd or bluray player, uses the same codec to decode the movie again. This is where methods of rendering come in, but I can assure you that a method of rendering has fuck all to do with the resolution of a movie.
You might be twice as old as me but you're a hell of a superhero.
haha i have near myself atm an engineer (first degree) and he say you are full of shit (well he said you are wrong, but i translate it to you)

he said you are also wrong about the codecs
Well gee shitcake, I'm a Software Engineer and if your engineer friend thinks you are right in saying "hd is a method of rendering" then your engineer friend should go back to school and pay attention this time.
im sure a guy who build missiles and space ships for the army is wrong...
yes, cuz missiles and spaceships have so much to do with fucking codecs and HD movies. OMG seriously, are you fucking kidding me here?
since you have no idea about those stuff
how can you know they dont connect :~>?
Oh shit, yah you're right, I forgot there are 1080p screens build into missiles so you can display HD pictures of yourself on them so the last thing the enemy sees is the grin on your face in HD.

I'm quite curious to hear your friends opinion on this HD topic. VERY curious what he has to say about your "hd is a method of rendering" statement.

saying HD involves rendering is like saying colour involves painting.
seriously.. can you please code an ignore thing in CF? Where you simply don't see anything someone posted that is on your ignorelist?
lol stop assuming, you dont even have a clue about those things, and meanwhile even your country close deals with israel cuz they cant invent technology like this :D:D:D

what about satliats? even recently israel has lunch the most advanced spy satalite in the world. what about telescopes?
you are an ignorent fool !
Quotewhat about satliats? even recently israel has lunch the most advanced spy satalite in the world. what about telescopes?
you are an ignorent fool !

It just show how ignorant you really are.

The microscope, pendulum clock, mercury thermometer and the thelescope all have one thing in comon. They are all 16th or 17th century DUTCH inventions.
few of many many...
and this is after 60 years we exist :D

im done talking to you, you ignorant fool >:(
Sol said you are bad !
You have a habbit of missing the point. You try slanderous talk by taking my country into account saying they are too dumb to invent stuff and as an example you use "the telescope". Then you get owned cuz the telescope was in fact invented in Holland and then your reply is to throw israeli inventions in my face?

I'm glad there are tons of smart people in israel that invent tons of stuff, because quite obviously they need some smart people over there to balance out the dumb idiots like you.

Now, if only they invented peace huh.

Oh and btw, from now on I will not talk to you anymore. I will just reply with "I will not talk to you anymore"
acourding to your precious wikipedia, holland wasnt the one to invent the telescope
HAHAHA you are fucking owned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg ;DDD
i cant breath
Try to read idiot.

The name "Telescope" (from the Greek tele = 'far' and skopein = 'to look or see'; teleskopos = 'far-seeing') was invented by an unidentified Greek poet/theologian, present at a banquet held in 1611 by Prince Federico Cesi.
you read idiot

The history of telescopes dates back to the 11th century century when an Iraqi man named Ibn Al-Haytham described in his Book of Optics the first instrument to magnify distant objects which was written while he was under house arrest in Cairo, Egypt
Finish that paragraph and try to interpret. I know your english isn't all that good, but just try.

His descriptions in the Book of Optics helped set the parameters in Europe for the later advances in telescopic and microscopic technology,[3][4]but the first known practically functioning telescope is credited to the German-Dutch lensmaker Hans Lippershey in 1608.

Doing research and actually inventing and creating something are two different things.
it doesnt metter,
first its german-dutch
second he invented it many many years before them :DDD

anyway, my engineer friend ask me what is this forum before he comment, and i told he some gaming forum i use...
im going to follow his advince, "stop talking with that idiot"

good bye ronner, good luck and have fun
Reading is really not your strongest part.

But anyway, I'm gonna go back to my earlier stance which is "I will not talk to you anymore." because you simply are too retarded to comprehend anything.
come come now, you were so quick to reply the other times. What's your friends view on your statement of "hd is a method of rendering" ?

Well, I recon I'll help you and your imaginary engineer friend out so read up and hopefully next time you won't talk so much bullshit.
I'm begging. Give warning points. I'm truly begging.
sry, i had friends coming over to my house, so as much as i enjoy talking with you, like sol said "bros before hoes" :DDDDDDDD

and now i will make history...i think i was wrong...
i learn the hd thing in television, when you use BW and communications
i dont know if its apply the same rules in movies etc on computer.

and btw, giving wikipedia as a source is the most stupid thing to do... think that it could be someone like you writing there, we dont want this to happen :D
Quoteand btw, giving wikipedia as a source is the most stupid thing to do

Encyclopaedia Britannica is considered to be a very trustworthy source of information. Let's see how it matches up

"Nature magazine decided to see how accurate Wikipedia’s entries in comparison to those of Encyclopaedia Britannica. They have found than, at least when it comes to science, Wikipedia's entries are almost equally reliable as Britannica's entries!
Nature took stories from Wikipedia and Britannica on 42 science-related topics and submitted them to experts for review. The experts were not told which encyclopedia the stories were from. "The exercise revealed numerous errors in both encyclopedias, but among 42 entries tested, the difference in accuracy was not great: the average science entry in Wikipedia contained around four inaccuracies; Britannica, around three."

I'm starting to wonder if your ignorance could ever get to and end.
No Ronner you are totally wrong I have a friend who is a marine biologist and he told me that HD is actually a cooking recipe.

I think that you have no idea about those stuff
Shut up you cunt! My aunt, who took knitting classes on a university level, tells me you are full of shit!
Quotehaha i have near myself atm an engineer (first degree) and he say you are full of shit (well he said you are wrong, but i translate it to you)

he said you are also wrong about the codecs

Actually, he's not wrong at all.

You are being stubborn, ignorant and stupid. Usually people have at least one of these qualities in arguments, but you manage to have all three, at the same time.

HD = High Definition = higher video resolutions... seriously... how can you not figure that out?
The resolution of your monitor/screen defines wether you will be able to see the HD movie in it's original resolution. If it's lower (say 1680x1050 or something) then you will still be able to watch the movie, though it will be of a resolution maximum to what your monitor/screen can handle, so in the case of our example 1680x1050.

If it's the connection you are worried about, then don't worry. Computers connected with a digital cable (DVI->DVI or DVI->HDMI) will give you a better screenquality but it's not like you will see huuuge differences. And besides, even if you connected the monitor/screen with VGA you will still be able to watch the same resolutions as your monitor/screen can handle.
So the digital connection provides better image quality than the analogue one? I always wondered what's the difference.
Some, yes, but most people don't see much of a difference. It all depends on what kind of analogue connection ofcourse, but if you use the usual VGA connection of a PC to a TFT monitor you will not see that much difference if you connected it with DVI. There is a difference ofcourse, but simply not all too much.

If for instance you took an analogue connection like scart or s-video on a bigscreen 42" plasma, then yes, you will see a major difference in quality if you'd connect something digitally to it with HDMI/DVI
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