Popular demand!

Heh, due to popular demand as seen in this link, people would like to see the webpage of the RTCW.no Midnight Sun Cup.

Maybe people misunderstood me, and might have thought that it was the demos from the legendary 8-man kill by Austria potter; it is however only the webpage that was used for the cup in which it happened.

I must really say that I personally miss this website, eventhough it was a pain in the ass to admin, compared to the "old" WL page. Seeing it also brings back memories from the Spring league 2004, in which we participated in Bravo League. Enough with the rableing though, here is the link:

glad to hear that
you mean e*star potter? i got an avi from it with shoutcast :D terrible qualy tho :p

EDiT: Uploaded tho its rapidshare :D http://rapidshare.com/files/130722240/dont_watch_me_in_full_screen_ffs.avi.html
duh, I guess weve forfeited 2nd round. otherwise we wouldve won it!
riiight :)

We forfeited first round, otherwise we would have won it.
oh now i remember, k@ozz recruited our player and we folded during that cup! ;( rip swi !

I wonder if theres any demos of that cup :)
We were the only team who took points from K@oZz in the Bravo League of the spring season 2004 :)

Everybody else lost to K@oZz, and yet we still ended 5th, just outside the playoffs :(
I remember seeing some avi about k@oZz, at least I think it is. That game on fueldump where sum1 got revived @ the sidewall and eventually ended above the obj cuz it got paused.

Good ol' bugs

Who was in that team again?
adzz_magic_needle ?

Was reload i believe
Or that clan where BB4E^Robinhood played. Too long ago xD
rbnt kit4na yeti aka emzii st7umpf xy zivl kris used to be there but i think there were more
The clip was made by AdZz, the player revived was rbnt.

It was indeed K@oZz and if I remember correctly it was the Europe lineup, which was in the fall of 2004. Before that K@oZz was a Finland lineup.
i dont understand, wheres teh movie or somethin?
out in lb r5 :(
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