i r so sad *cries*

i got to know a very cute girl 2 days ago and we met today again and it was rly rly nice and sexeh BUT shes going to england for 2 weeks!!!!!! wtf man why do i have always so much luck -.- its so fuckin gay i cant belive it - now what? im thinkin of becomin an emo! any suggestions? :s
wait that 2 weeks?
noo shes all alone there and i cant wait that long loolol :(
image: 323803zq9
image: 323803zq9.4724e4859c

then i dont know
go with her idiot
Tell me where she's going so I can ruin your life even more :D
oxford for more english skillz she says but i know there will be more :´(
You'll be fine, Oxford is full of ugly fuckers and mongols.
lol thatd be nice xD
nice reply skills

nice edit as well
what are you talkin about lololol :D:D
"well it can be sexy without havin sex lol. i mean cmon impossible atm, coz i know her just for some days :s"

i dont get it ^^
2 weeks feels like years but they'll pass (im doing the same right now)
idd i need some touchin music now xD
you just want to say you got sex :\
it was rly rly nice and sexeh
no sex before your girl goes on holiday? No wonder you consider becomming an emo ;)
well it can be sexy without havin sex lol. i mean cmon impossible atm, coz i know her just for some days :s

you aint got reply skills bitch :s
/suicide bibuy
Spend as much time as you can with her, then, do everything to prevent killing yourself and wait these 2 weeks ;).
wait and it will pay off :) I know the feeling.
And dont do anything STUPID... chill
jesus christ 2 weeks - thats nothin tbh
she will get shagged rotten in england and come back with massive tits and a belly....;))))xD

Best off finding another girl, damn smartish lad.........

EDIT: I seem to have made the most unsympathetic comment so far...my apologies...
meine freundin will nen jahr nach amerika nach dem abi was soll ich denn sagen? :< ich hoffe ich kann der das zu gegebener zeit noch ausreden! ^^
Hallo? du lebst in deutschland... auch hier wirste wohl noch andere schöne weiber finden...
das schöne weiber finden ist kein problem... schonmal was von liebe gehört? : P
whoots that?
Ne Spaß... Reds ihr aus
send her my way, i could do with a woman :<
writing about on crossfire and sharing ur feelings with some randoms on the internet will surely improve the situation ;P

good luck, you will need it
np; ill look after her w/ meez
No Emo no stop my show
She going england! tell her to come to me!! hahahahahaha
i has the same problem :( i met a girl really cute and good looking:D and shes my gf now but she is going 2 france over a week:(
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