Chinese Retards

Well im in Hong Kong right now because of the hollidays but those chinese bitches really stink.

So do you guys have any ideas to fuck the hotel staff a little bit to make it more funneh over here, because these chinese fuckers dont have humor at all!
1st OMG FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go find smth better to do.

realy how pathetic must you be to ask for smth to do on crossfire when ur on vacation
Well its 22:10 here, and im sitting here for 15 minutes then I go back to the club in my hotel ofcourse what else?
go do smth outside the hotel! being in the hotel ur whole vacation sucks!

clubs inside hotels are mostly the worse clubs u can find.
I know I have to find something outside the hotel but I went out the other days and today I thought to chill a bit and then i'll go back to some naiz club outside the hotel fosho
They dont care about ages over here, even my little brother from 11 can order beer if he wants allthough its against the law but who cares?
because my dad wants to
Great idea, if you pay the taxi to get there i'll just need some help with breaking it!
I think they are not gonna like me when I break down their "oh so damn naiz" wall. But you could come if you want, just come to the Intercontinental Hotel in Hong kong, some of your love island friends will pay the ticket and the hotel ofc, to obey their mighty leader
Japan > China
Singapore > *

Going there in 7 days
USA > Singapore

Going there in 5 days :)
Where your going? Was there 2 years ago, its damn naiz there. But i'll prefer New York and Miami!
Last year I went to the west coast. LA, San fransisco, Las vegas etc..
This year I'm going to the east coast. Boston, washington, and also a part of canada.
Boston seems to be pretty naiz.
Never been to Washington though, just shoot Bush for me will ya he's killing the USA.

LA, SF went there too, LA was naiz but just give me SF much better imo
SF looks allot more like europe. Although LA was nice. Has some nice chicks there. ^^
You probably have never been to one of them ...
No I haven't but I like japanese culture more then the chinese.
Their food rox
So biased. I hate people who think Japan is the most awesome country in the world they need to be slapped with the reality hammer.
You want to slap him with the shit hammer because your opinion is different against his opinion?

Well imo you have to get fucked in your behind while your dad is fistfucking himself and eats some thai noodles.
Obviously you havent been on this world long enough to know what a weeaboo is.
Sounds like some naiz sushi food to me, what is it?
Sexy? Lol didnt see any so far!
Some gunz will do the trick
I still prefer gunz but hey, just send me a sword because they dont sell them here I need to go to Japan for that!
How are you coping with the weather? I was there last year and its really humid and 30° + , not very comfortable at all.
Be _CAREFUL_ about doing "funny stuff". I've heard stories of people doing things like pissing on a picture of the king in Thailand, and ending up in jail. Culture is different, what you find to be funny is just lame or even extremely insulting to them, and the opposite.

Tourists running around fucking up stuff because it's "funny" has ruined many a nice place.
There is a difference between Thailand and China though. 3 days ago I was in Bangkok and they really love their king so dont mess with him. Here in China they aren't that way, they even make the lamest jokes theirselves so I don't think it's gonna be a big problem!
The king in Thailand was just one example to show that there are things you just don't do no matter how funny it might seem to you :)

Enjoy your vacation!
np mate, just dont use Thailand as example because they are very extreem in those things :p ;)
I've never been to China, so I couldn't tell if they were extreme in those things as well. But even though it might have more consequences for you personally in Thailand, your actions might have consequences for other people than youself in China.
Going abroad is not the same as being free to do whatever you want all of a sudden, and even though "those chinese bitches really stink" they are still human and you have no more right to fuck around with them than you have to fuck around with your countryfellows. Maybe even less.

Sorry if I sound bitchy, but this is important. I lived abroad for 6 months and I learned that it's VERY easy to step on somebodys toes. It's hard enough to avoid it when you try not to.
Where the hell did you lived then? On the moon?
Kenya and Cameroon
Ok cameroon sucks but Kenya is good, you got taste mate!
What does this have to do with taste? :X
And I didn't end up in cameroon on purpose btw, i was relocated when the riot in Kenya started..
Bit longer one please, that looks like a little kitchenknife
That should do the trick, hope you dont mind if I borrow it for a while?
it's obvious you are bored since you posting on xfire while you are on vacation.
Go eat some dog and then sleep with a ladyboy
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