PC survives beer

Dear journal,

I was playing some random mix when i noticed one of my Finland cigarettes set my ashtray on fire. I took my beer and poored some of it to extinguish the fumes, I know blasphemy but there was a lot of Czech Republic smoke and I wasnt planning on wasting a lot of beer on the ashtray.

Badly enough I manged to spill some beer which went straight for my pc case below my desk which happens to be open (summer = hot = crash) Screen went purple and in the fastest reflex ever turned off my pc.

Shocked as I was I tried to clean up the mess as best as i could and rebooted my pc and: tadaa!! Still works like a charm ... so far. For those who care, yes its the same pc that survived being thrown out of a window, only had to put it in a different case.

yea thats np, my pc was next to my table last summer and was also open, there's venting holes on the top and i spilled nestea exactly over the edge of my table, pouring straight onto my PC. almost my whole graphics card was covered with it, screen went blocky and colorful etc, also fastest reflex ever, ripped the plug from the wall in like 3 seconds and tried to clean it off, but couldn't do it too well, i let it dry out a bit and it worked, although my graphicscard was covered with sticky brown goo for like a year until i sold my pc. :D
yeah got the same, it went straight for the gfx card which i should replace, but feels like a total waste buying an agp card these days :P Its weird cause i thought my pc was totally fubar, screen going all strange and stuff. Must be my lucky day :)
roflmao xD lol so hard about the fastest reflex ever.. what u are able to do if its about ur pc, amazing xD
why did u threw out ur pc out of the window? did u lost a match? xD rofl
had argument with my dad!
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I am the god of hacking... No I am. But seriously why you read this? If you read this then you are not l33t l1k3 m3h.

hi cheater
put more fans in the pc so temp will be low? :O
Now, what does that teach you?
Never waste beer on an ashtray :/
You are my hero
Your pc can't be more fucked up so ofc it survived.
didnt see that reply coming! especially not from you!
Lucky! :D
ok this wasnt even a bit of entertainment -.-
.. You have a flammable ashtray?
no but sigaret buds sometimes start 'smoldering' set ur whole ashtray on 'fire' aka lots of smoke and no fire.
blame americans
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