Fallout3 @ E3
20 Jul 2008, 17:46
new Fallout 3 video came out... And I say it may not be so shitty as i thought... Game looks really nice, and it seems it still have fallout style...
new Fallout 3 video came out... And I say it may not be so shitty as i thought... Game looks really nice, and it seems it still have fallout style...
E: It doesn't look too bad indeed, not going to buy it though because I don't like zombiegmes :[
fp shooting = lmao
they could easily made FPS game, and when you encounter enemy (go into combat mode) it would turn 3rd person turn-base, but nooo, FPS shooting faggotry, another console ruined quakewars pos
Edit: Oh wait maybe it doesnt use turn based after all -.-
[e] the headshot from sniper rifle wasn't a fail tho
i wouldnt mind if they just tweaked the engine used in fallout 1 & 2 and continued the story