Sigh, Wolfenstein animation.

Guy hiding behind an object, I can see this game being slow, i'd love for it to be a fast paced game but the sp footage and animatoin seems to be heading towards hide and shoot hide and shoot.

edit : can only hope that crouch crap is just for single player.

cred / jb.
worst stream ever, stops as soon as it needs to buffer ...
u might be right and u might be wrong - in total imo RTCW isnt gonna be much of a success(im not gonna say anything before i've played it tho)
looks damn nice...
cant even see the stream gg ff3.0
Looks alot like Cod2 to me, "aim down the sight" sucks...
I want "shot from the hip" action, like in ET.
Otherwise it's just gonna be yet another cod.
cod2 isn't neccesarily bad.. if they're gonna fuck up the rtcw/ET style i'd prefer them fuck it up so it's like cod2, not anything else :D
Hmmm, don't know what to think.

The "audio" video seems like standard in all games.

Just makes me want to do my master thesis even more. Computer game audio developers are stuck in the same loop. :)
They need Trent Reznor !
errrrr.... okay
the hand that feeds is just too great
Some professional pun there?
What, me? no.

I must be a geek :(
Too many people making too many assumptions based on miniscule amounts of develpoment footage.
btw that hiding might only be something that enemies in sp do
From the audio thing about the particle cannon it sounds like that kind of stuff is going to be in MP. I mean, they're not going to spend a lot of time making FG42s or Panzerfausts or whatever when they have particle weapons, etc.
Well I don't care if the panzerfaust looks like a panzerfaust or a ZOMGLASERGUN as long as there's not too many kaboom-weapons and the SMGs remain the main weapons. Remember that ET has a lot of random weapons too (flamethrower, wtf? :D)
Filmen visar bland annat en animering av en soldat som tar skydd och sen ställer sig upp och skjuter. Dock skjuter han "down-the-sight" och inte från höften. Det kanske var animering av en bot (de som hjälper dig i SP).
En positiv sak är att filmen visat melee funktion, dvs att du kan använda vapnet som klubba för att döda din fiende med två slag. Jag hoppas dock att det inte ersätter kniv-backstab funktionen som RTCW och ET har.
The movie shows among other things an animation of a soldier who takes cover and then rises up and shoots. Though he shoots "down the sight" and not from the hip. Maybe it was an animation of a bot (those who help you in SP).
One positive thing is that the movie shows a melee-function, that is you can use the weapon as a club to kill your enemy with two strokes. Though I don't hope they'll replace the knife-backstab function in RTCW and ET.
had to open IE for this shitty streams.
what's with the insect o/
They sniff out a cheater, attach themselves to the cheater and blow him up.
sounds good, at least we have a working anticheat system now !
Only streams that were avail for this i think, sorry about that? :/ if you want to complain find a new link.
:D you tell em!!!! ;)
I've uploaded these video on dailymotion here.
constant teases ;[

need something playable :P after watching these just sit here wanting to play something.
9 days to quakecon, doubt we'll get a demo, more teases i guess.
they are bastards really, arent they.

just a simple 5min SP demo would do me. :-(
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