its nice, its been fun watching them iron out of the bugs over the months
problem is there is still one huge bug remaining, its the "its still vq3" bug which needs the "/callvote gameplay cpm" fix applied, always get bored after 30 minutes or so because of this bug
I'm curious if this will open quake up to a new crowd, I think a lot of people quit after getting raged 5 times in a public duel game by someone that has played the game since the releasedate.
Butchji you've got anymore footage of yourself that you'd like to share with me? Thanks in advance;D.
brb food
problem is there is still one huge bug remaining, its the "its still vq3" bug which needs the "/callvote gameplay cpm" fix applied, always get bored after 30 minutes or so because of this bug
You're a patient man
but yes, do it please :)
But as devje said, maybe they'll start the open beta now.
pls go away to cod4 :D
mkay thx
You have no more available id Beta Center invites
I could barely invite 2 guys, they removed the 3 invites i had left.
Maybe there will be some new ones after :(
Would really like to try it :D
Also I heard there will be matchmaking? So not to much imbalance with different skill levels.