3o3.et banned ?!

after faky and his m8s got pwned by 3 random players he used hes eveil power to ban those nonames on 3o3.et channel. its fair punishment for loosing prac war :S pls man think of waht r u doing next time and get some skills ;o
it was me ! and joker + metatron :)
gooly me(JOKER) and metatron
we bashed criatura and faky + 3rd :P
oh wow. gz for you
Please you were so obvious... . If you wouldn't be so obvious... .
said the previous banned cheater....
Me?Where I was busted?:o
ups. sorry to fast... mixed you with shy :x sorry for that ;)
lol they dont cheat they always were good in 3on3 i remeber :OOOO
they were? :O
nice op ...

get a life

no evidence = no ban
you deserved it
metatron cheats indeed

hi ex mates <3 :D
who cares? :D
retards+polaks+cheaters olo
u got owned ! gg faky :D
i was talking about him omg faky <3
polish+lag+cheats+http://www.sona.clanservers.com/news.php and a noob clan...

noob clan but we ownd u rofl u are smart
you deserved it
thats just pitty crap, unban them and everything is fine again
just ban them here too
EDIT: i mean goolly jkr and so not faky and co :s
omg and you are 21.... didn't learned much in life till now do you?
plz stop it...
stopping what? i'm not the one who writes stuff which fullfills the meaning of his name... faky is a bad loser and his fanboy dreck takes every chance to creep deeper in fakys butt...
yeah fanboy ofc xD i dont evan "know" him that mutch
then don't support any side.....(especially if you have no clue what's it about)
read the journal + the log enough for me
as i said...you learned not much in life....gl in the future ;)
at least i dont answer with .. ur dad and stuff so pls..
really .. that gooly dude did it .. thats why im posting that whole stuff ..
rescue me :/
i am noob at this :(

LEAVE PZYKO ALONE !! [/u](is it good?)
shine banned one of us from 6on6.et because we won vs them, it's normal joker :)
He banned me also for being a cheater - I rly sucked at the war he mentioned and it's pathetic to call me cheater anyway. :D
yes, thats the kiddie shit. wannabe highs getting owned. abusing rights without any proofs.
dreck, der name passt zu dem was du da abziehst, du proll.
wtf was ur comment replied to me ? if so i dont have anything to do with that ?!
klar für dich, wenigstens kann er lesen.
na dann sag ich dir doch ma nu prollig das du mich ma gern haben kannst + wenn ich scho den log sehe wo son scheiss von wegen ur dad und so rausgehauen würd ..
er kann doch nicht lesen, schade :´(
wnb highs?

the edit button could help u
haha, who gets bashed by so called "randoms" just can be a wannabe :D
go search low next time when you cant handle that
i will probably do that...so i will not get "wnb skillers" =)
the problem here is that sona are no wannabes, we know that we are not high. and we dont need to start such crap like you did.
Also Kinder, das ist mal richtig peinlich. Ihr rafft das echt nicht oder.
Not really. But this journal stuff is acting like a kid. ;) Instead of searching the query or the talk with me (like every normal people do) you write a random journal which isn't even really right explained at all. ;) So first of all grow up and fix your behavior.
i dont want talk with u after this cuz u are whininer and ref abuser !!!! i dont like u at all!!! 8DDD
he's just showing the world how stupid you are
do you have any proof of them cheating? demo, pbss, avi, anything?

or just your ego got hurt hence the ban
sorry but banning 2 of three + coming into their channel and asking for the 3rd makes not the impression that you are willing to listen to any of them....

So first of all grow up and fix your behavior.
said the one who banned the 2 bcz he lost...
TBH gooly was trying to talk with you at your channel, but you kicked him, so what's the point ?
Well he just came in and flamed at all so please be honest to yourself mate.
So how he should say that ?

"Hey mate, i was wondering why you kicked me and my friend? "

He flamed, coz you abuse your operator rights and he can't search for a war now.
Why I abused them?I just made my decision because of the game. Which was for me clearly. So just upload demos and if if they are fine it is fine too. : )
1st: #3on3.et it's public channel, w/o proof's you should't do anything. If you think that they are cheaters just try to prove it.

2nd: You think that they are recording demos from all fun wars ? If they did it, they're gonna send it anyway and your gonna see that your decision was big mistake.

Anyway just calm down sometimes, before you ban someone.
This is my opinion.
old + pure pub hax->nexus + it wasnt me = u just cant deal with it that u lost
nice, now thats owned ;D
your prove.
Aight!It is right. Isn't it?:( Ban them please. By the way DotA?
so you crossrefferenced the ip with the site here? no? i forgot...ip's are proofs....

is he worth to get a ban for posting logs and insult ppl -> yes
for cheating -> no
read comments
For me:

- pbguid doesn't match
- IP doesn't match ( not at all )

Sorry dude, but it's not enough for me to call him a cheater.
IP doesnt match but it was his brother?
Yea IP doesn't match, not at all. Only first 4 numbers are correct.

Anyway, I don't care about that, Im just telling you that it's not enough to call him cheater (for me) and in my opinion he's not cheating nowadays. That's all. =)

If the IP doesnt match, how can it be his brother and how can it be that he knows that much about the bot his brother used? Does his brother even exist? Rofld.
Where you can see similarity ?

So probably he lied. Dunno, I played with him some 3on3 and he seems to be nice and clean player (didn't see some amazing actions).
You belive in someone who is cheating, thats the similarity ^^

I dont get it anyway, you want an IP prove while he already said it was his brother + he did know what bot it was (downloaded some nexus) and according to him he is playing ET competitively since 9 months.
I didn't believe in obvious dumb - gnajda :-)

Even if he WAS , what's not prove enough, there is no solid proof that he is cheating atm.
just read the comments again and check the yawn, its as easy to understand as it is to add 1 and 1 to 2.
Dude, I still don't get your point.

Okay I fail with that IP, coz he said that was his brother.

My point is that, even if he was cheating 2 years ago, there is no solid proof that he is cheating NOW .

Anyway your taking it too seriously. Im a friendly guy and im not cheaterlover. I don't play with guys like gnajda ( 400 hs per round ).
was it even 1 year ago?

Playing with public cheater or any kind of those is just as bad as supporting gnajda
Tbh i've never knew about his pasts. I see this red warning for a first time.
and after that u start defending him immediantly, 2bad
Yea, coz im not one of these guys who see red warning and says - "omg dude i don't know you, you've got red warning, cu"

I would like to know everything, before I end playing with someone.
idd. till last month he and his brother had to share the same computer. but it seems they don't want to think about their actions. viC save your time and energy. it wont change anyting here. that's xfire :/
Not really. But this journal stuff is acting like a kid. ;) Instead of searching the query or the talk with me (like every normal people do) you write a random journal which isn't even really right explained at all. ;) So first of all grow up and fix your behavior.

You got bashed by clean players. Face it.
u are stupid rly i am not lagging more then rest from PL or Fin and if u think that i am cheating PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS wtf is wrong with u just watch me on ettv xD
:DD You played ETTV?Not even worth to be watched at all.
true its not :P
experience in whining u mean?
yep now i dont know 1year i dont play more with you :P but i think you would never cheat
3 polaks ?

i smell illegal software !
you're the right one to talk surely
says aristo :D
hi goolman and joker. i'm "ubba" from hirntot :-)
let us stop the flame

they are banned

and people says mafia is only in italy...
i got banned for some time too but didnt know why oÒ

but now my ban is deleted ^-^
this have to be a joke. There was nothing obv. in our game. Was a normal game at all.
Sad that people with such a low behavior are able to ban without some proofs and just cause they lost.

Here are the demos:

Sad that ppl have to evidence that they are not cheating nowdays. I can remember times when ppl have to proof smt before ban ... instead of ban cause one FaKy thinks they do.
Don't be low FaKy and unban them. Or at least another admin.

cya on the battlefield
upload all...if u want to proof something
i want to see yours, after i saw that i think your not even low+ dude
okay u want to tell me u saw the demos?

metatron7 on 22/07/08, 16:31:05

pZyko on 22/07/08, 16:32:27

benjiii on 22/07/08, 16:33:35

im in the same clan, metatron is my mate. so can you imagine that or is this too hard for you? lil wannabe med
i record each game cause i have it in my config. Not everyone do it. especially cause it was a fun prac. war.

And if you would be honest to youreself, you would agree that we haven't to proof here something.
FaKy should proof his decision!

So once again. Pls unban.
Well I could prove it at all with all your demos?: ) But if you got nothing to hide feel free to query me and give them to me. Then it gonna be fixed and you gonna be high++++++++++++++++++ for you.. . So just come and upload them. : )
show us your demo, then we all can see how you got owned badly.
Well like i said above. Not everyone make demos from a prac/funmatch.
This is not about high+++ or whatever. It's about that you ban for nothing.
Just unban pls and don't abuse youre pooooower.
image: 302px-Grammar_Nazi_Coat_of_Arms_Text.svg needed! :D
after pwn shine in 6on6 with two 7 man kills in a pracc he banned me from 3on3.et 6on6.et et.merc .... and now ?
typical bl4d3 8]
thats just lol that so guys got op in this channel
and we not? thats not funny, its sad :|
hard but trueee
oh yez ..

dindt paly et since 3-4weeks and i dont miss it! is this zeh end?!
if you dont like him, dont be in his channel, simple as. crying over beeing banned from a channel is ridiculous.
there is just one 3on3.et channel shall they go an ask counterstrike guys for 3on3?
your comment is ridiculous.
im sure blade has other ways to get a game too :)
ya sure but its sad .. xd
*summ summ summ summ summ*
faky's nerd np
i could unban you but honestly I find this whole thing hilarious and until it ceases to be hilarious I refuse to unban you
Do you got any flags on 6on6.et as well? :D
voice only, did have power through the XonX bot though but that has been long dead
:< Get it back, lazy cunt, and undo my Q-Ban!!! :<
well i dont get it

i wonder why those channles are still operated by some moreorless randoms.
those channles are hand in hand with the leagues and competitions and serious teams just want to prac. if they get banned for some personal reasons this is simply unfair.
no offence faky but please just ban people that got officially busted.
same goes to shine but care....

if the personal feeling of anybody getting bashed in a 3on3 would count, u could more or less ban the whole channle... you got my point?

u cant judge people just cause u probably got a bad day or sth like that...
and i know criatura... if he s got some bad day or some rl issues next to the game u can forget him... it is pure flame on vent :D

where is the point of this game if there were not some guys becoming better and better (lets just believe in that, and more or less all the cheaters arel getting busted all the time)

my point: ban em from the chans when they are busted, no need for them to still play this game, but just personal reasons are not fair
v1ech got the right words. thats all what the problem is about.
There is a difference between losing against a better team and losing against cheaters.Next time consider this when you are defending some randoms.

it is no offens but first of all research and don't call me random or whatever it is fine. ;)

i was right and this topic is closed for me.
then please post the right links
here you can find your players

Please it is prove at all. Even a good mate of them told me ye he is hacking but I should unban at least gooly or how ever this guy is called so ye.... But no.
as if yawn warnings are considered as a proof. guidspoofing etc. pp. any suspicous demo? any screenshot or pban matching his ip? no?

you can also go: et.loftclan.de:27953 there you can see many matches of gooly and joker and judge again if he is obvious or not.... and if that's not enough for counting as a proof. reply to me and i add more games of them that you can see how they play and judge again....
His one fault is that he has a young brother who is playing ET as well. Is he stupid.. yes. Low mind ...yes.
But it's not his fault. I know it sounds like an excuse and that we all heard it 1k times. But he's not bottig or whatever.
I play with him 2 years now on cb, allways with ettv and i'm not so bad that i don't see a cheat for such a long time.
Just trust in demos and not to youre stomatch. So once again, just unban pls.
"I know it sounds like an excuse and that we all heard it 1k times"


face it you kids tried to act hard and failed.Done make it any worse by bringing up this stupid excuses here.
We didn't act hard. Please just take a look to the demos. Was a 0-8-15 game.
Not even hard one.

You are wrong.
And the kind you act is wrong too.

Try to speak with you like normal ppl. But seems to be senseless.

Cya on the battlefield.
a good m8 of me wont talk with u...not my m8s lvl to talk with :O and i dont care if u dont want to unban me and i dont cheat i never will hope to see ya lan oneday :O
i don't think that they cheat. often used to play against them on the hirntot.org public server, and in light of their anonymity i found them surprisingly good, but not to the extent that i'd accuse them of cheating. i specced them a couple of times but didn't find anything suspicious about them. plus, if they cheated, the hirntot admins probably would've discovered it quickly: they often review pb screenshots of players on their server.

of course it's been a while since i last saw them play, so things could've changed. but since there's no evidence to suggest this, the case for that is pretty weak.

btw gooly and joker, now you know how it is to play against flr and sleepy: if someone manages to kill them, they immediately accuse that player of cheating ;-)
Well mate read this it is over this shit seriosly!! They still gonna be banned.
yea, i can understand that decision now that you have evidence to substantiate it with. i guess i was wrong about them, sorry for that :-(
I hope you will trust at least some experienced players. I don't flame at you or anyother. It is enough that I am right. So ye. Have fun with them playing. : )
lol, are you calling me an inexperienced player?
No but I was saying that you should trust players like (at least i call myself experienced in 3on3 games pretty) me.
fair enough.
Okay it's gonna be my last comment here.

So I think your way of thinking is incorrect.
Let's see:

If some superuberhigh guy call me a cheater after some war, I should trust his experience even if I know that I was clean and it was only my skill ?

I don't want to flame you or smth like that, im just mad that ppl thinks it this way -> noname kicking my ass - must be cheater (oh he's polak, that's even better ). I'm playing really long in this game and im sad if someone is flaming me, coz i've got more headshot's than him. Ppl's like that should learn to lose.

Dunno about gooly and JOKER but i think that they are clean, but it's only my opinion.
you got owned.
dont act like you have experience please.
Says who?:o
me , don't act pro like you don't know me please faky :). I so used to rape you in 3o3 with your ex clan , don't even remember the name.
havent u been busted anyway?
ive been banned from a league cause i rapped some "bitch" clan if i remember right. but cb didnt ban me , it's strange isnt it?
na, your memory is broken, as your mind, so nothing new anyway
Justice. Thank you faky =)

(no this is not sarcasm)
You retard, the russians and the poles are all slawics.
random low+ tards with hax
polacks, hackers? no way.. cant be true.
3 random cheaters less to ruin the 3on3 community.
Just watch my supply demo. There you can see how he's whining about normal 1vs1 action's. This result in a ban.


GG Faky
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