
please show me some nice links to starcraft movies on youtube, there was one big tournament in korea... i mean this one
guess it was 06-07 i think
The ongoing TITTYSAMBO Averatec-Intel Classics:
(Every sunday. This sunday = 2nd Semifinal between BackHo(P) and Flash(T)

GOMtv Star Invitationals:

Watch: The Emperor and God is in the TV on youtube. Movies about the great 'Slayers_BoxeR', The Forefather of starcraft!
How can a starcraft player be the fucking forefather of starcraft. It's like saying I'm my own father.
Forefather of competitive SC. You might want to see those 2 movies.
You don't get it. Did he play competitive before anyone else played competitive? It's your choice of words that doesn't make sense to me.
Actually it isn't my choice of words. BUT OK.
eujen cheater lover gtfo ::D::DD
ask meez DL
dont get the newly discovered StarCraft hype ... yes its superior in korea but i mean they also eat cats there.
I don't think they do. Dogs, yes, but cats are carnivores, and carnivores generally don't taste very nice.
In Korea they eat dogs but not cats. Ok?
Might be lacking biological knowledge, but aren't dogs carnivores, too?
Nope, dogs are omnivores, they eat vegetable matter and can quite happily survive without meat. Although according to wikipedia there is some debate on the matter.
Woo, so I wasn't THAT wrong after all. =)
ask meez, or meh

C was playing the other day, that was nice to watch :D

anyone else catch it?
gtfo and paly with ur hacker friends hurensohn. thx for ur attention
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hi cheater
ONE big tournament? Korea got every month a FUCKING BIG tournament... Its also on there free tv 24h... They love that game
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