IMPORTANT: kmz missing

Roland "KMZ" Lõuks, has been missing over a year by now. If anyone has any information about him, then PM me.
not funny. ok
manki gtfo
its not fake btw
idles oli ka teema. Kellegil oli ta nr vms
he is a old guy so leave him alone
Still, not as important, its ashame he went missing but still man.
it's not fake tards.
important: why is gibri banned?
hes 42, dont worry !
i hope you get a permban and someone will kill you this night you stupid shitty fucktard
you should be banned too for saying such thing, which lower you to the level of manki.
I hope he died in a terrible pain and that you will follow soon.
not funny @ all
well maybe because it isn't a joke?
than make a forum post and no this jozurnal shit it looks like a joke.....
he must be rly unliked if u make a journal after 1 year...and not after 1 week

noone noticed him before?
I made topic in forums about 7 months ago
Missing RL or missing from internet?
maybe he lost internet or changed nick
His telephone number does not exist anymore aswell :/
maybe he got raped ?
maybe your mother had an abortion when you got birth
maybe some stole his cell and he needed to get a new one
check internet cafes
p.s. i remember you from some years ago, but i think it's due to something bad - what was it that you did?
wassnt he a cheater?

then i hope he drowned KEKEKE
admins could check if has he signed on @xfire by last year ._;;;:________.
die of aids
haha ncie one :_D
hi manki
yo, alles praegu näen seda journalit, ise ka otsisin kmzi mingi aeg. peale seda kui ta lampi kadus eelmine suvi logis ta mingi 2 nädalat järjest iga päev gg-clientisse (buddylistis oli) sisse, aga ei vastand PMidele, ma rääkisin mingi tüübiga idles kes väitis, et teab teda irl ja ütles, et ta hakkas liferiks

vähe usutav :D
not rlly that funny but wateva floats ur boat i geuss
kind of harsh and guttin dont u think? ...
image: e8245406

niggasmiley is stalking you!
Seriously, i love this smiley!
how harsh or whatever it may be, it is true that kmz has been missing for about 13 months now
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