UPDATED: Early Morning Treat!

I've been making a new map ever since my previous map failed lawl http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=59170 harhar - this time it's been going well and i've been working on this one since the 26th May, been wanting but havn't really had time to upload any screenshots to show my epic fanbase my work but here's a lil something, more info @ profile but no more screenshots until atleast 2morro :o)

tobrukprison new 6v6 map! coming soon! ;x

image: shot0026yv4

*UPDATE* Well I wasn't planning on making more screenies but if you read down you'll find out why... Here's the screenshots I made, some have had their brightness tweaked due to the lightmap and much more still being in early stages...

Screenshots[/b] - CLICKY ME, sorry for loading time... :x]

Allied Spawn:
image: allied1pr5
image: allied2ds2

Axis Spawn:
image: axis2ly2
image: axis1yf3

Main Courtyard:
image: main1gz1
image: main2hm3

Flag Courtyard:
image: flagcourtyardws0

Street from Main Courtyard to Flag Courtyard <->:
image: street1ye0
image: street2lt6

Prison and Document Room <->:
image: prison2ew0
image: prison1qb2

looks a little bit small, moar screenies
i always wanted a prison map with old cells and shit ,looking forward
reminds me of your home OLO
gl, make it good pl0x
The top of the roof looks boring. Try to add some variety in it. The hills you're making are too pointing and unrealistic.
It looks quite small but you might want to add more to it.
Nobody is goingto see the top of the roofs, just wanted to give an above screenshot to show the size...
somehow i can imagine this like supply... with axis spawning at front... and keep going back into 3/4 different defenses
and a truck driving VRRRRROOMMM and some birds TJILPTJILP
and dragons ARHG RAWR
Actually looks really nice, waiting for it. :) What would be the object? :O
in my profile under Dev. Projects for wolf et :p
edit :

here ya go
Objective Description:
Satchel Power Generator to gain access to the Prison Gate!
Capture the Courtyard Flag!
Dynamite the Prison Gate!
Capture the Prisoner Manifest!
Secure the Prisoner Manifest!

Repair the Power Generator!
Capture the Courtyard Flag!
Defend the Prisoner Manifest

ok im sorry
Gonna spark a joint in a moment, will post lots of screenies cuz I will b stoned :x - gonna watch most h8ed 2 tho first <3
I see a sniper spot there.

Looks like a decent map, can't wait to play \o/
need autschwitz_te.pk3
failure detected
gl i hope this is going to be the next bremen/braundorf :)
well i've just updated the journal with lots more screenshots, enjoy! :)
too much shit corners n stuff
Mind the camping corners! :<
looks totally awesome and i'd love to play it. Too bad 9/10 clans dont want to play a map they never played before ='(
Awesome map! Good work!
Looks nice :)
prison break watcher ? :P
i hate you
2nd that.
you little dickheads lol :x
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