Pope incoming

This monday the Pope is coming to my country as visitor for some days and a lot of stupid religious ppl will go to his whereabout and get an insta orgasm cuz of this overrated oldtimermaniac.
Should i go there too to throw tomatos?
What would you do?
image: pope19bo
glue two horns onto your forhead :D
kill the religious freaks !
imo you should wear this:

image: 20476_IMG_1163 :D
lol i'll do! So i'll not look like a slaughtered pig when popelovers kill me cuz of the red clothes :)
Bow in awe of the Popemoblie heretic!!!!!!!
the pope was a nazi anyway just shout hail hitler at him
what tha fack?
So, anyone else here who doesn't like the pope?
force him to buttfuck an aids victim without condom, wanna see if he think's its funny!
I guess he's continuing his world tour of "apologising" for all the childfucking that's been going on all these years.

I wonder how much Mercedes pay the Vatican for the Pope to drive around in that monstrosity.
"I love the Pope, I love seeing him in his Pope-Mobile, his three feet of bullet proof plexi-glass. That's faith in action folks! You know he's got God on his side."

Bill HIcks r.i.p
You'll all go to HELL! :D
you're not cool at all
and you are a religionfag i guess!
no but i respect everyone ;)
The Popemobile ftw
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