Serious Topic (internizzle - serizzle bizzle)

So, here is the deal:

i got 257 Euro on GTV!(never had so much :Oloooooooool)

and i dont want to lose this so fast , ( you know internizzle - serizzle bizzle)(emoney > realmoney n stuff bla bla)

on what match should i bet? help me crossfire :<<<

this is a serious thread, expecting serious answers :-)

Most Hated 2, 7-8/10 for me ;p
image: internizzle
Today 23:00 Russia 2.70 vs. 1.59 Portugal 75 € on POR
lol didnt had less than 1150€ for at least 2 months

liquid de vs de [KG]
bet on kg..sry mic, but arc will bash u:/
what a shizzel -.-

edit: ahahahha i got 400 € nub !

edit2: 50€ on turky imo
very funny, almost pissed my pants.
put all on display! if you win you are nr. 1 on gbookey forever and ever!!!!

:) but upcoming fail is 99% imo
cheats or it will never happend -.-
don't bet at all
archy will take it
I had 600 E like 2 weeks ago. Now I have 40 E.
its real money or something? o_O i know nothing about it
german fucktard doing useless journals to bath in attention, facepalm.
my highest was like 4000 :< till overload & FF decided to lose vs 'nonames' :<
Oh hi kito, youre the guy who is named after an monkey?
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