Most Hated 2

Why is it deleted @ movie section? :X:D:XD
it was quite ok tbh :D

EDIT: its back lolz [20:34] <@Hype> back up :F
Didnt like it at all
foonr's work i guess
sucks =<
can live without it
because of the shoutout to raskl
it was not that good :e
he shared songs in it wich is quite not allowed, filesharing -> ban
now i feel so empty inside
very very very very popular demand.
for your mother.
very very very very popular demand.
because it sucked?
Acting in the same way as he did....doesn't let you be less idiotic.
second that :/
i can imagine why
I liked it, music was bad though.
probably an admin following the "what would kamz do" school of thought
Good decision, I hope it will save some people from wasting their time on watching that piece of shit.
Dont be that bad man.. Why so much hate? The movie (as a movie) was kinda decent (8.5 /10 imo) and the frags weren't that bad also... Whats your point then?
The movie was horrible, the only good thing was the quality.

The frags were very average, editing was pretty bad too. Music was way too slow for a fragmovie as well. It wasn't entertaining at all, I thought about turning it off after a minute or two but watched till the end only to see if it gets any better. Too bad it didn't...
well thats your point of view.
seems like it... which doesnt mean that every1 shares your opinion.
no fucking shit
nu the finnish turd with his random replies
well thats your point of view
do you try to be funny ? well every1 need his cup of attention right ?
nah im just a turd with random replies
agree but i also liked the editing a bit
I liked the outro ! :D I dont agree with your point but atleast now i can understand your point (constructive whine! )
not really horrible, some frags were ok, he synched up some random moments, quality was good, music bad.
So in the end it is just awerage, not more not less.
Sir, you are so right. I can't really understand how people can like it actually. And to be honest, even the quality wasn't anything special. Too greyish and nonsharp. :z
agree, not to mention the choppy motionblur and no AA in 1/2 of the movie.
was shit anyway
too many 3 man pf kills -_-
this is stupid actualy what you are saying
what are you saying?
2 many 3 pf skills? wtf is this? its still half a team for fuck sake
so what? 75% of those 3 man pfs were same old same old, nothing new, same old rape spots. gees, whats interesting about that.
that means tosspot doesnt like sunlight?
it was not really good, it seemed that everyone he killed in that movie has IQ equal to the room temperature
i liked it.
enjoyed it, very gut :D
Good movie, some nice pistol frags!
#ban.crossfire against racism <3
it was pretty good
KAMZ- the most hated > this movie.
shit movie
If you dont have enough content for a 10 minute movie, do not make a fucking 10 minute movie. It takes a minute before we see the first frag and then he shows it twice. Most of the re-camming is pointless. His aim is substandard at close range, or he just waves his mouse about for kicks. The cuts are far too slow for most of the music used. Some of the effects are eightiestastic. Oh, and its made by kamz.

At about 7:40, right after a scene which I thought was half decent, he re-cams the same frag 3 times: 2 3rd person cams and one first person. It would have been so much better to start with the second cam to show the first guy dying, then cut to either the first cam or the 1st first person view - Same scene, a third of the time, far more entertaining. When's the last time outside of bad 80's action movies that you saw a scene repeated?

out of 10?
fucking cock oilol
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