Need translation NL>ENG

NL"Je hebt als het goed is een vhost ingestelt die niet op de server staat.

edit: kijk ook naar de hostname die automatisch word ingestelt
Met citaat antwoorden "

ENG: ?
he's on holiday :(
i don't speak dutch babe :<
i'm english, they don't teach us dutch here :(
If correctly U have set up a vhost that is not on the server

edit: Also look at the hostnames that are set automaticly
Answer with quote "
You , if its right , configured a vhost which is not on the server

also look at the hostname which gets auto configured
reply with quote
You have if it's right installed a vhost that isn't on the server

edit: mine is the best!
can't stand I can translate it and you can't?
i speak dutch...
You are a dumbass, please quit the internet now.
what eddo said i guess, hes high skilled @ english
English: you even learn it on vmbo-basis
maak pannekoeken voor me slet!
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