swat 4

bought it last week.

And i can say, its absolutely worth buying !

image: swat4

+ its designed very realistic: if you shoot with a tazer on a civilian or a terrorist, they give up (yes, even civilians refuse to give up). One shot kills or puts in a state of incapacity (depends where you hit the guy, sometimes you need max. 5 bullets to kill someone). If you have been hit at your arm for example you are no longer able to perfectly aim because the crosshair grows bigger. If your hit at the leg you cant run anymore, you have to do the mission hubbling.

+ good graphics

+ you got a team and outside the buildings very often a sniper

+ lots of different functions: doorblockers, you can force a door to open using shotgun, one time you have to defuse a bomb, you can look under a door using some hightech stuff, you are armed with skilled non-killing grenades (sine qua non), ...

+ AI-characters are very intelligent !


- not many missions, i won the game after 2 days

- movement and aim like CS

- too difficult sometimes: even with your team and the sniper outside you can still die in the first mission because the terrorists are randomly placed each mission and in the most cases they camp in a dark corner. It happens often to me that one guy kills my whole team. For the 2 last missions i needed 12 attempts, each time those assholes hid behind a case or a pillar.

- you have to warn the terrorists that you are from the police before you shoot. Its forbidden to shoot a terrorist who gives up. Thats very crappy because sometimes it just looks like they were giving up and shoot you then

- if you shoot a policeman from your team, even accidentally, your team kills you

But overall, one of the best singleplayers i played in my whole life

edit: here last mission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SGwPNEQyWA

that guy is so pro, using that crap weapon
rainbow six LA is pretty much better
never liked swat .. i like to rambo D:
played swat 2 years ago, liked the gameplay but didn't like it enough to buy, 4 might be worth it tho.
We need Operation Flashpoint 2...
My brother got it, indeed a nice game for singleplayer.
im often playing it at lan with friends, thats really funny ^^
Can we play it online together??
yeah we could... i go to lan on monday so i'll prolly install it again
If I get the game tomorrow when are you avi to paly paly?
tomorrow is drinking day, saturday prolly
Np for me, probs won't get it until next week. I can LAN it with my brother to get some practice!
Buying now!

have you got the gold edition?
no, just the basic edition but still its a lot of fun. I heard in the add on terrorists would take back their weapons if you dont zip them
Its on its way to my house! Also just brought a Game called the Regiment.
"- if you shoot a policeman from your team, even accidentally, your team kills you"

ahahaha fucking realistic
Do you have to kill them?? Or just shoot them
Did you even read the journal before posting?
Not all of it:< sorry
its an american game so i guess they do this in america
i have it too. i'm at a mission where i need to clear some supermarket where a crazy biatch took many hostages. it's shitty indeed because each try they're all placed randomly and the most shitty part is , you die waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast. and since the movements are like cs (slow) you can't dodge anything .. and you just die. so i just stopped for a while =D
isnt that the first or second mission? xD
lol no , i'm not that noob :p. my memory is starting to fail on me =D. is it possible it was at some nightclub or stripclub? i don't think it was in a supermarket, i even think i passed it! if i remember well it was in some kind of nightclub and it's quite big inside. oh yeah what annoys me too are those few seconds you have to wait every time before you start a mission, because the dispatch is always saying shit like "barricade hostage situation" and when she's talking you can't move. they should change that
yeah that nightclub is pretty difficult. The most difficult mission is the french hotel. You have to kill all terrorists there (like 25, dunno exactly but there are a lot of them), secure 2 hostages and defuse 4 bombs in 9 minutes.
And this starting situation sucks.

Little hint: when the mission starts, change to sniper view and kill everyone you see
Quote- not many missions, i won the game after 2 days

48 hours are enough :C
thats more than wow needs!
i didnt play 48h. I played like 6 hours each day.
Buy it, then we can paly paly!
rapidshare only, I'm a poor guy :<
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