poker sofware???

so i was at a pub last night, playin poker with friends and some new guys that played poker for a second or third time or so. And they were seriously talking about making a poker software. They said it would use some picture comparising to detect cards and some basic maths and percantages (implied pot odds and so) and therefore it will earn them some money by itself. I think it is impossible to do such thing but i an not very good at programming and stuff so i cant opose them much. So for all programmers or IT students, can you pls prove me right or wrong? (or if you now some existing program like that)
random pic:
image: 4324_outlaw
nC expanding to poker ?
kind of, but imo if there were cheats/sheaters they would be much more known....
i think the fact this was being discussed in the pub shows where its heading
yep, but we were not drunk at all:) it turned out to be a very serious discussion and we made prop bet about it as well. i just want to know if my point of view is any good...
image: poker

as this one? try to learn count them yourself, shouldn't be too hard...
PLAYMONEY lolololol
that's what I prefer.
cuz you´re a loosing player yaya
yeah, but it's nice when I know ur with me losing :<

but i beat you in 3 hands in a PLO HU

lottoez, try again !!!1
poker is all about % just watch Casino Royale! Bond says it!
There are a few programs already.
cheater, go kill yourself
image: thtcm0kd2sr
i would never thought about using it, we were just wondering if it is possible or if smth like it exist already....
sry but i saw ppl calling you cheater
so i said what i said :'(
you mean a peice of software that detects what cards are in play and therefor the percentage of winning against other cards?

it wouldnt be allowed at a poker table irl, as part of the game is to be able to calculate on your own.
I bet you are not first, and it it possible - some years ago a guy in usa made a cheat for poker, won like 400k and was caught by police, he was playing stupidly.In usa its legal so np,
Yes it's very common to have statistics software for your current hand in poker.

What's more interesting is that people are developing a poker AI that takes things other than percentages to gain an even bigger advantage. I think they tested a beta and the best human players still won, but it's improving.
ask humM3L the nerd
hold 'm poker in windows vista.. It's cool!!

image: pokerzu0
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