american force


as we all know America is big. they have all kinds of government reinforcement shizzle. what i have always thought about was.. who is above who? just so you'd know what i'm talking about, i'll sum up the ones i know : delta force, navy seals (socom!), special forces (dunno if they exist, but i heard of special forces training..) , FBI, CIA, the regular cops, the sheriff and his deputy, the army, the marine , Sam Fisher , Solid Snake, etc ..

if you guys would know any others sum them up, but i just wanna know who is above who. so like in the movies.. when you got a nubie sheriff on a crime scene you got the FBI showing up : "Special agent Mahone, FBI , we'll take over from here"' . i know that for example FBI and CIA don't handle the same things, and i don't know why i wanna know this.. it just seems cool.

EDIT: DEA, US secret service, NSA
There is also NSA - National Security Agency

But i think that there is a group of ppl that lead the world. Some call them the illuminati or the freemasons.
well i need some sort of ladder, of who is on top and who is on bottom. prolly the deputy on bottom =D
Well. Divide them into groups.


Army: Navy, Marines, etc. (Seals are the Special Forces of the Navy, Rangers are ..., etc.)
Nation scale: NSA, FBI, CIA
City: LAPD, etc
County: Sheriff
fbi is national, cia is i nternational
* United States Army
* United States Navy
* United States Air Force
* United States Marine Corps
* United States Coast Guard

All branches are part of the United States Uniformed Services and are under civilian control with the President serving as Commander-in-chief. All branches except the Coast Guard are part of the Department of Defense, which is under the authority of the Secretary of Defense, who is also a civilian. The Coast Guard falls under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security. During wartime, the Coast Guard may be placed under the Department of Defense through the Department of the Navy.


image: 800px-DOD_2005.svg

EDIT2: Federal Agencies Directory ...have fun reading

btw.. image: advicedogbo9
.. you're welcome
m2r7 replied to your comment
I like to call em Serbs
your name is Spectre from mass effect?
you played it too much im afraid :(
i quit ET since a little while so i don't think you're talking about me
Mmh, I don't think you can say it like that. CIA is responsible for intelligence and investigation OUTSIDE the borders of the USA.
FBI inside. The NSA does electronic monitoring and broadcasting (in and outside). DIA is the intelligence for the military. So we learned itl... I guess the local police is working on the cases till one of them requests the responsibility.
just say you are an FBI agent and i'm from the CIA. and i arrive at some crimescene or dunno.. doesn't necessarily need to be a crime. could i tell you to get lost ? =D
As u have written, there are often conflicts on movies, series etc. I guess it's just the problem, whether it's among to inside or outside. Some cases match both. But no idea, who has the last word.
The Mafia is above all.
Could be too, but after i've seen a "Galileo Spezial" about it i don't believe it anymore :p
Never believed it like that. :P
"Galileo Spezial" :D
Instead of trying to sort them after which has more power than the other I would recomend you to try to sort them after what work they do.

CIA is an intelligence agency gathering information about foreign govorments, companies, persons etc.

The FBI's primary task is investigating federal crimes such as assasinations of important people, kidnapingping, tax frauds etc.

The marines are as you can understand seagoing forces with exception for the US Marine Corps which are an independent group.

Delta Force handles bigger hostagesituation, counter spy, counter terrorism etc.
Homeland Security is one to add
The FBI infact is responsible to investigate everytime a american citizen is killed outside of the american borders or they have to coorperate with the local authority if there are no special agreements.
Inner country i think they are responsible for acts that cross state borders and for major crimes.

The Marines are simply the ground forces of the Navy while the Navy Seals are their special operation teams i think.

Rangers belong to the Army whos main special force are the GreenBerets i think.

The CIA is responsible for the state security mainly outside of the country but can also work inside of it while the NSA are more an monitoring group that gather infos via satellites and checking phone contacts and gives these infos either to the FBI/CIA or the military forces.
There are often conflicts especially between the CIA and the FBI cause many crimes can infect the state-security but doent necesarily have to.

The DEAs main job is to fight against the drugs inside the country and stop them to actually get inside and they also often cooperate with outher countries.

The Secret Service is responsible for the security of the president and the goverment members and can also investigate which logically also often leads to conflicts with CIA/FBI.
FBI doesn't operate outside of America.

The Marines are a special part of the Army. Rangers are the elite combat troops of the Army, just like Seals are the elite combat troops of the Navy.
The FBI can investigate outside of the USA if american citiziens are killed and there is a special agreement with the local goverment.

And the Marines are together with the Navy under the leading of the admirality and has nothing to do with the Army.
Furthermore the Rangers are just one part of the Army (infact the 75th Ranger Regiment) and are right behind the Green Berets who are literally the Seals of the Army.
Get some history and google skill and ttyl.
us = police state, more so since they bombed themselves and made a lot of new nazi laws
your voice is cool
FTA= Firearms.Tobacco and Alcohol

NCIS= Gibbs
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