Tomorrow is...

My last day of uni, atleast till 15 September when it starts again (for 3 more years). Eventhough i still have a test (some kind of exam) tomorrow morning :<
Finally!!!! Never wanted so much holidays like this year :D Too bad that uni is ending but i still have to work for free for more 1 month +/- , 8/9 hours per day :x
Holidays only at day 31 till 6 September :<

Random cares for me plx.

image: pbox-holidays
nice job
Its a "practical job" because of uni. Had to work 600 hours at a company (hospital) to learn some stuff and get experience.
ok :d I just gave random care comment..any movie coming btw ?
will you become a nurse :D ?
Im finishing (tomorrow) the degree of "installation and maintenance of networks and computer systems" -> Level 4
At september i will start a level 5 degree about "Network of communications and telecommunications" that will be 3 years long.
so you are a It geek.
:< Since the time i got my 1st computer (i was 13, now im almost 20). True love :P
Lol , my summer holiday is over soon ;)
do not want
I iz really sorry for you sexeh ag0n boy :<
sorry for what? Finally! Work > study... because i do basically nothing at work (i mean.. use internet.. solve some problems sometimes... but nothing really hard ... its nice ).
ok if you like to work 8/9h per day for nothing...@_@
Thats a good point but it depends. 1st my boss is a nice guy and i can "miss the work" everytime i want to (eventhough im a good guy and i never miss the job). And i really enjoy to work there, specially because im alone inside the hospital with another guy (same age as me) working / supporting around 300 workers :) the rest of informatics department is at another build +/- 100 away :)
gay detected :P
you are @ work with une guy , who is same aged :P and you like that noone is near you two :P
I have lots of people near me, specially an uber hot girl right in front of me :P she is always talking with us :D
and WTF are you still doing here :D ?
nothing. Im not working today, got an exam tomorrow. Studying atm
:( . Sad for you then :D
fuckubicth, now u hv time to play et like a man
nice pic. didnt read your story though
nice! now you'll be able to prac even more against french laggers <3!
I would like to.. But im getting crazy.. My pc can only give 50 fps, with a new gf card (nvidia 9600 gt 512, overclocked edition)...formated, tried diferent programs.. everything lags... need to try linux
my pc's starting to be shit too, it can't handle gr and radar very well :c
I have alot more fps at radar that gr.. Gr = 30 fps under the bridge, with my pc ... its absolutely annoying because i can see people with lower pcs getting better fps.
I can't help you here, I don't know shit about computering ! :(
try different config ?
already tried ofc.... same prob
You just dont know how to use ur computer!
Absolutely squall.. To bad that im using performance settings, uber low cfg n stuff... but it keeps lagging :<
well the cfg affects like 5% to the performance of ET imo... 95% comes from the OS. :p
thats why im changing to linux atm! :D
that picture makes me jealous of your country
omg u nub ag0n, i finished uni for the summer like 3months ago :P
Portugal is a newb country. We have worse results eventhough we loose more time inside uni that you :\ And we are a sunny country (we could have more holidays imo.. to enjoy the summer)
i actually care
happy holidays! :-)))
gl with ur moviemaking:)
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