Burning these to the damn ground!

And by "these" I mean 800 MB CDs! I have a few of those but my ol' trusty DeepBurner doesn't want to read 'em as 800MB and tells me "no, cunt, you cannot burn more than 700 MB on those!". So basically I need a program that will burn the shit out of these cheeky eight-hundreds! Gimme program names, oh the mighty IT geeks!

random pic:
image: funny-pictures-cat-pretends-to-be-bird

edit: works on nero for me! Nero 5 or 6 :D
deepburner sucks anyway :D but its free
works with random nero + overburn
Was hoping for an ABONPTMWtopic but the outcome is disappointing!
After a random googlesearch: http://club.cdfreaks.com/f59/probs-burning-800-mb-90min-cd-r-nero-57132/

Pff you never answer when I'm seeking ppl for a mix through journals anyway :X
Makes sense when u don't contact me directly instead of a crossfirepost, IF I ever get to see them I'm always too late
Plz wanker I always pm you if youre online, before i post a journal...
maybe those are s- / vcd's. those usually shrink to 700mb when burning with the proper program (eg. nero). I would be interested in a free alternative capable of doing so, though. :)
Nero anyday ;x
nero? o:
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