good headphones 100 euros<

My friend need good headphones. He said that hes ready to pay 100 or more euros. Any suggestions? Thoman link plz if possible :PP

for music listening not gaming, he isnt nerd like my neighbourhoods
lol, 100€ is way too much :L
sennheiser shit I suppose
100e, that's like a 1/3 moped
I just bought the Sennheiser PC350 headphones and they're the wtfpwnage. Get those.
yeah, might be due you have no experience of other headphones in that pricecategory? What other headphones you tried before buying those?
I've used the Sennheiser PC135, a KOSS set I can't remember for ~90 euros and the Icemat Siberia headset.
That's not saying much honestly.
WOW where to buy, plz tell
sennheiser hd555
Thats the best one !
sennheiser aren't good enough for that level of quality for music
sennheiser are so overrated

paid 30GBP for sennheiser headphones
paid 10GBP for phillips headphones

much prefer the sound of the philips
What sennheiser headset, what phillips headset and what did you use to listen with?
there is one problem... you said prefer, means someone else would prefer the sennheiser... besides, there are few more things to look at when you buy headphones, for example build quality, comfort, etc...
tbh a brand like sennheiser can be automatically considered the best brand as it is almost a monopoly business in the market of headphones...
AKG, Koss, Technics, Sony, Phlips, Behringer, Ultrasone, Shure (earphones) all make great headphones/earphones/headsets, dont see a monopoly. and the list goes on...
sennheiser have a lot more though...
Just admit you lost in the argument :>
every sennheiser headphones I have had haven't compared to any lower priced other brand headphones on quality.

Also when I go into shops like apple (for the lulz) I always find when playing around with different headphones that sennheiser aren't as good as the others
so decide, good or not?
(gay for going to the apple sh0p)
i dont believe sennheiser are as good as they could be
sennheiser HD485 is fine for me
Sennheiser PC350, i hope ill get them soon
sennheiser hd595
Got myself a HD595 for around 130 euros, sound great! And I'm sure there are even better but im not some damn audiophile that listens to the slightest change that you won't even notice when you're really into the music that you listen. There's a point where the difference is just too small to pay more for.

image: 02072008112

edit: link to the thread on
agreed! hoi!
You're just one step away to get a place in the special people box in my profile!

nice edit btw
dirty mouse
and mousepad.
creative fatal1ty xD
got that right nigga
Search a bit around on, the #1 music-headset-nerd forum I know.

If he likes closed headsets (=not so much sound getting in nor out),
Beyerdynamics is the way to go.
Sennheiser is generally known for better open ones.

Sennheiser HD595 (as posted above) is a great headset. A friend of mine had it before, it owns. To fully gain advantage of them you might want some kind of headset amplifier, depending on what source you want to use.

Beyerdynamics DTX900 ain't bad either from what I've heard, never tried them tho. They don't require as much juice as the HD595s, which is an advantage.

You should also look out for some AKG cans btw, but I don't know much about them.

Anyways, the best advice I can give is to go to a store and try them. People have different taste, and also different ears and head. A headset that feels comfortable to some might suck for others. So if your friend wants to really buy something good, he really should try them first.
sennheiser hd595 and for little ones, sennheiser cx95
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