whine from me!

ok, wtf is going on with et?

ive just sat on comms with 6 players, since 6 pm gmt, it is now 9 pm gmt, we got 6 games, 3 - 3 v 3 's + 1- 5 v 5 + 2 - 6 v 6 .

the three 3 v 3's were all spastics and either left after the first round or couldnt get 3 players:/

the 5 v 5 was against myst6x (junky) , so we kicked them for just being who they are,hacking busted retards.we then get a 6 v 6 against "mid" skilled, who are at best low- and they leave after 1 round, then we get another 6 v 6 , against who? team-vagrants. about 4 out of 6 cb banned or about to be :/

is this the fucking state of et now? is it finally dead or about to die? i hope so, its horrible :/

its whine, but no wonder :S
ET is dead kevlar i know what you feel :)
no one made you play it
i never said they did, but i wanted to, just couldnt....
good evening sexypants :P
Sexypants? :O
you said you hope its about to die, so stop playing it...then its as good as dead to you!
ah cmon vagrants dont hack :(
probably not, but by that time id had enough nd was ready for quitting, someone on comms said "look at that thread on crossfire about kenny getting busted" , and i just /killed in real life.
Played 4 3o3's and didn't finish 1 map :c
so you quitted everytime? n1ce
had the same 1 day x:
ohh unlucky day >.<
get cheats.. then it's fair
your gay lololol
even if i was, i wouldnt be kissing you, you ugleeeeeeee
only public !
a lot of trash :(
kevlar you cunt, still need privat pw :D
su kevlar
youre the biggest whiner in the world . YOU shut it handsome :/
my whine is respected
not by me. you smell
hahaha. now THAT was funny :D
sounds like a normal day in ET to me :)
go to beach
last 3 days: I am sitting on ventrilo from 18 cet and waiting our teammates to play 6o6, and nothing happen, always missing someone. Nobody gives a shit to be honest. And when we r finally 6 we r trying to find prac, usually we play against team japan (atleast they are skilled , too bad they have to play with 300+ ping).
So I think this is the last season to me in Et, pointless to play it.
You should blame your teammates for not giving a shit then, not ET.
No, this is the typical mood in ET lately.
Can't agree with you here.
maybe it time to pray!!
need gods comeback!!111
and then play wow 3 months late?r lol
Welcome to ET!
blitz said you're gay lololol.
COD 4= servers full 24/h + much more fun .
Besides that there isn't the whine you got in ET
No kick votes (very rare)
no time for whine as you spawn every time after you die.
Kill cam = no whine on cheats because you can see enemy killing you
ping = not important

i know that you know that, im just hoping that someone will give this game a try : >
they wont since the new wolfenstein got announced
mate i would, buy me new pc.
i luv you kev! :)
lol echo from beyond
Well sometimes these cheaters are easy to beat.

Today me, danL, bizkid, m1ke, Lazio & infern beated aristo and the rest of the slovenian hackers easy. Most of these cheaters have the aim but not the brain!
It seems to me that the community from a couple of years ago was much more mature then what i have seen lately, beeing playing on pubs or just reading comments right here..
In the early days i feel that people had really nice discusions, helpfull and respectfull..
There was more discipline in games like 6v6, noone was aloud to ragequit in my teams..
Offcource there was whine and flaming going on, but not to the extend i am experiencing now..

I mean look on irc people cursing at eachother "i fuck your mother" although beeing playfull certainly narrowminded, and very disrespectfull..
People have nicks like Kanker, aids.. makes me pretty sad
i totally agree
thats your punishment for not giving me ref!
ET will never die? you unfaithful loosers :I
Nobody just wanted to war this time.
just play and don't whine, the cheaters will get bored when they don't get attention
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