External hard disk

Quoteloled i red hard dick zomg

It's all about imagination.
loled u red hard dick zomg
loled yes red hard dick zomg
loled i red hard dick zomg
loled i red hard dick zomg
go to cinema, and buy cd in shop !
loled i red hard dick zomg
make sure you actually need an external drive, know so many people with external drives and all they do is sit on top of their PC all day... might aswell have just gone internal drives :<
Well, not everyone is so familiar to building in an extra hard drive into a pc...
what? its not exactly hard to insert a power cable and a sata cable... jesus...
Still, most people don't even know where the hard drive is located...
ignorance isnt really an excuse, if you really can't figure it out then perhaps they should read a guide or something
Man, they just rather don't open up their pc before they break something.
Oh, and when I'm already talking to you, is there a big difference between c2d e6600 and c2q Q9450?
Is it worth updating?

And what about the 8800gtx, I guess that's not outdated yet, right?

Just can't find any comparison between any of mine chips / cards and some recent stuff...
8800GTX is more than enough for now

I would say the same about E6600

You really have to ask yourself if you need a quad core before going c2q... if you just plan on gaming then might as well have a better C2D chip, but if you plan on doing things with a lot of multitasking, or with tasks that can be offloaded to seperate cores, eg video editing/encoding, then a C2Q might be worth it

most people on crossfire with C2Q's are just being wasteful :|
Well, I indeed do a lot of movie encoding or recoding, but I was rather going after the higher overall performance of the PC. Just wanted to update the one or other part. Don't know what part of my PC needs an update the most urgently. Supposed that it is the CPU, because the GPU still is one of the faster ones, maybe I'll also add 2 Gb of RAM and go for vista...

QuoteCPU: Intel Core 2 CPU 6600 @ 2.4 GHz
Mother Board: asus striker nforce 680
Powersupply: Thermaltake 850w
HD: 500 GB
Mouse: MX518
Soundcard: none
Graphics: nvidia Geforce 8800 GTX 768 MB
Memory: 2 GB

What do you think?
CPU probably best to upgrade given your situation then... regarding vista... bleh... well its more of an opinion thing but I really don't see the need for it, nor do i like it
Do you think there would be a noticeable difference between my current cpu and the Q9450 ? Or would it pay off investing more money?
not a clue, benchmarks maybe? :P
CPU: pretty old, if you are buying that as a new bundle i wouldn't recommend that
MOBO: total overkill
HD: take dual-platter, +160gb and lil bit more speeds
GTX: it is the old one probably, i would suggest HD4850 (cheap and fast)
Meh, those are my current specs :)

Going to update the one or the other part, think more RAM + new CPU (CORE2QUAD Q9450), what do you think about it? I Think the GPU isn't too outdated yet. What do you think about the Q9450?
ah didn't know : D 8800GTX will do the job pretty fine, about CPU dunno what to say. Depends for what are you gonna need it, dualcores are at the moment better for gaming (clock to clock are blazin fast). Quad is ofc future proofed + really good for multi threaded applications (such as photoshop, video editing stuff etc.) Depends on for what you will need it... Uhm and you will need to know two things: Intel will remove Q9450 from shops very soon (about a weeks now) and Q9550 will drop down cuz of Q9650. Second thing is that your CPU will be able to wait until new year when Intel will release their newest chip named Nehalem (K-10 architecture blabla :XD) but u will need to buy new mobo + new ram (ddr3). It everything at you, if you want to have better and stronger cpu which will be able to handle all those multi threaded applics go for it, but if you don't need it i would suggest you to wait. Im writing that abit stoned so sorry for some grammar fuckups : P
You should know how many people live in a world with 500 GB ram chips & 512 MB hard disks :<
u have that too ?
Not really, I built my own PC from scratch :G so...
Nice one, I'd make a sarcastic comment about even Belgians being able to pull this off, but I fear the admins would discover it!

Building another computer today infact :>
I really can't understand all these people who spend another ~ 70 EUR extra for the assemblation + installing (O/S) of their system. All these local PC-shops make me fucking puke: asking 50 EUR for a format (insert a CD & hit next a couple of times) etc...

Building a system from scratch with your own pair of hands, with hardware you have selected which perfectly fits your needs feels surprisingly satisfieng :p

EDIT: specs? :p
im building one for a friend, i think in return im just gonna ask to share his tent at an upcoming music festival, or if not I'll probably ask for £15 or so for my time
Probably could do it, but I tend to take movies to my friends and also im buying a new pc soon 2

+ are there any other advantages to just having an internal disk ? cant even see that the price is that different here
sata is a LOT faster than usb

if you do plan on taking it places then sure, it'll be useful, but a lot of people don't think about that at all :<
U mean the transfer speed ? or just general read/write

If I understood it correctly id get 480 mb/s with that WD Mybook - Isnt that enough ? I mean thats like 2 seconds for a movie.
that's megabit not mebabyte 480Mb/s= 60MB/s, and that's max theoretical speed which isnt reacheable
oh those jerks
how much does sata have then +- ?
1.5 GBit / 3 GBit
Uh, takes several minutes for me...
Yea noticed my mistake
thats why I bought an ext 160GB 2,5", so I can take it with me whenever needed. No need for power cables and still fits in a normal jacket pocket :>
what meez said !
what meez said !
what finkregh said!
what h8m3 said!
what j0rgos said!
what TOE said!
what dEVJE said!
got 2 buffalo 500GB external harddrives, find them OK + not too expensive, altho there are better/bigger ones.
Don't go for MyBooks just for the looks, read a lot of bad reviews about crashes after 6 months of use...
You can get a 500gb LaCie for less than 150.
just bought a Lacie 320 GB voor 60 (in fnac)
works fine :)
That's the solution whenever you run out of space. Run to Fnac, buy a LaCie. It's how I survive.
safe 50€ and buy a no-name-product
i did it 3 years ago, and it still works fine (also for music & movies)
Freecom sells nice 1TB drives
fcking google it, and compare.
u get a free one @ web.de
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