DirectX 11 :~>
26 Jul 2008, 09:39
microsoft has officialy announce about a new directx (11) but sadly (or not) it will only work on windows vista :~>
the render and shadow in the new directx will be more improved :~D
btw, you saw E3 pictures? :DDD
those nerds didnt stand a chance :~<
the render and shadow in the new directx will be more improved :~D
btw, you saw E3 pictures? :DDD
those nerds didnt stand a chance :~<
fuck that
its either tits or gtfo
cant gtfo mr.lame0
(i know the phrase "tits or gtfo")
asian slut in background
next time i'll write: "thx4tits"
I think it's kinda weird that Microsoft already announces dx11, as the game developers barely scratched on dx10's surface so far.
But you are right that it is of no use to install vista only for directx 10/11.
But DX11 is going to be backwards compatible, so people with DX10 hardware can still use DX11. So I don't expect huge changes.
nothing can really handle dx10 yet tbh.
high fps ftw
i am now <3